How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one?

So my girlfriend wants me to come over her place, we always hang out together but I never been to her place. The thing is, she has a pitbull and she lives in San Jose. The past year (12) months I've heard about 3 pitbull attacks in San Jose. These dogs…

    How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one?

    So my girlfriend wants me to come over her place, we always hang out together but I never been to her place. The thing is, she has a pitbull and she lives in San Jose. The past year (12) months I've heard about 3 pitbull attacks in San Jose. These dogs…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one?...

    • How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one?

      How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one? Dog Breed Discussions
      So my girlfriend wants me to come over her place, we always hang out together but I never been to her place. The thing is, she has a pitbull and she lives in San Jose. The past year (12) months I've heard about 3 pitbull attacks in San Jose. These dogs are vicious, but than I hear stories how they are very gentle dogs. So what is the catch here people?

      How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one?

      How to prevent getting bit by a pitbull if your friend has one? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Pitbulls are afraid of cats so you should get a couple dozen more cats. Cats usually feel most comfortable around 20+ other cats. That way they can form their own cat gangs and go out at night and rob people, extort shop owners, and increase the national deficit. Just remember, that because Obama is running the country into the ground and causing hyper inflation, cat food will be up to 10 times more expensive than you have been paying in recent weeks.

    • Well bred American Pit Bull Terrier's are NOT human aggresive. a badly breed byb APBT can be human aggresive and dog aggresive.Talk to your GF maybe meet the dog outside and go for a walk so you'll feel comfortable before going into the house.The reason these dogs are "vicious" is because wanna be breeders are breeding for nothing but color,head size, and aggresion

    • There is no catch. Its how the dog is treated at home, and how it responds to other people. Most pit-bulls are trained for illegal fights, which was what they were mainly used for, thus, causing them to get a bad reputation about how viscous they are. But, from the pit-bulls i had, they were very gentle, and as long as you are patient, and give them time they will soon learn to love and protect you. Never harass one, because they can be dangerous if they feel threatened -like all animals-. So in other words, they are actually very gentle and kind loving animals as long as they are treated well. ^.^But be wary though, do not put the same gender together unless they are fixed/spayed, because later they will try to attack each other due to instincts. -that again is also for all animals.- I should know, because my two female pit-bulls almost killed each other and ripped skin and everything. We took them to the Vet, the person said it was due by Hormones.

    • Pittbulls r nice dogs 4real fam the ones dat are nasty n aggressive r like dat bc idiot people train dem 2 b like dat don't b afraid of em jus let them sniff u n pet dem if dey come up 2 u dats wat I do n I never been bit by a pitt. N even if they do bite u ain't like its gonna rip ur arm off or kill u jus relax n stop worryin bout it

    • IF they are aggressive, they're probably more scared of you. Don't look them directly in the eyes until they're comfortable with you. I would suggest maybe some treats to keep them away from you. Until you're at a petting level with the animals.

    • If you're afraid of the dog, tell your girlfriend you'd appreciate it if she'd keep him in another room until you get used to each other. Take an article of your clothing you have worn and leave it there so the dog can get used to your smell.The pit bull has just gotten a bad rap, if she has socialized the dog, you shouldn't have a problem.

    • If you are scared by the dog perhaps you might wish to consider having her visit you and leaving Cujo at home. Just because the animal resides in an area where there have been 3 attacks does not mean her animal will attack you, it just means the people whos dogs were guilty of the attacks were not properly trained and socialized with other dogs and people. Might I suggest you ask her to muzzle the dog so that you can visit her and allow the dog to become used to you and learn to interact with you while building up both of your trusts in one another? Also remember Pitbulls are a terrier based breed, very smart, loyal and protective as well as possessive, never smile at a dog, humans might like it but dogs see it as an act of baring teeth thus confusing it with a form of agression the same as direct eye contact, they take that as a signal that you are trying to dominate their environment and will if made to feel threatened act accordingly.I think the over sensationalized hype on the breed is what has done it the most discredit, it is not the animal, it is the owners who do not understand what it is they are working with and how to adequately train the dog..look at Daddy on the Dog Whisperer, he looked meaner than old hell, yet he is one of the most quiet and sedate animals on the show, he if anything helped more aggressive dogs calm down with his tranquil demeanor. Have a bit of faith and discuss my suggestions with your girlfriend, Im sure she would rather try what I have recommended if she knew how nervous you were if for no other reason than to put you at ease to establish a relationship with her pet.

    • easy one.all dogs can be submissive or dominant. when a good owner is not the pack leader they can become unstable and bite. some breeds such as the pit bull are more likely to bite because of their genetic makeup, and if they do, it is likely to hurt a lot more.Though I imagine that your friend has treated her dog right and disciplined it properly so it should not be a problem. especially since she should know that if it does seriously bite anyone it could be put down. Ask her if it will bite you, and when she says it is a good dog just be natural around it. Dont push or shove it and keep your face out of its face and you should be ok.

    • If you gal is a responsible owner then you will have no problem with the dog. Would you worry about riding in a car with an Asian driver because you heard a few stories that perpetuated some silly stereotype? A dogs breed or physical appearance is a very naive and ignorant way of judging a temperament.