What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy?

rotties are just a smelly breed lol I've had 4. I use a stainless comb type thing it has three toothed rings and a handle and is great for removing dead hair

    What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy?

    rotties are just a smelly breed lol I've had 4. I use a stainless comb type thing it has three toothed rings and a handle and is great for removing dead hair...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy?...

    • What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy?

      What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      rotties are just a smelly breed lol I've had 4. I use a stainless comb type thing it has three toothed rings and a handle and is great for removing dead hair

      What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy?

      What brush should i use to brush my rottweiler puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You could use something called a Jelly Scrubber that you find in a tack shop or horse supply - it's very soft and will just get him used to being brushed - but you don't need to do it a lot, or at all for that matter. Once a week is more than enough. Wire brushes should be reserved for long haired breeds, and only when they're a bit older- the last thing you want to do is scratch his skin and leave him open to infection. Less is more with a puppy. Just curious as to why you would even be getting a dog when you're already worrying about dog smell...

    • There are many different kinds of brushes and tools you can use ...take a look next time you are at a pet store and see if you can find one that is best for your dog and its coat. you need to pick out an appropriate brush fro your dog. I find for soft bushy coats the metal wire brushes work best and for wiry hair the hard bristle brushes work best. Next you want to brush your dog every few days( depending on the breed) and when they are blowing their coat (the heavy shedding) you want to brush them 2-3 times a day until they are done. Brush with the hair first. After that start at the top (head) and go in sections brushing against the hair. This help to pick up all the dead hair and the undercoat. Once you are done the section brush down with the hair again and then do another section. Don't forget to empty the brush when it is full. Do this all over the dogs body.

    • u should use like a cloth or anything soft and just wipe like u would with a brush. u do thiz becuz u can harm the dog with the brush for his age. i hope i helped

    • he won't be smelly first of all.second,, your breeder will give you all the feeding and grooming advice you will need.. please ask them all your questions in advance...** those grooming "gloves" work wonderfullly on short haired breeds,,

    • What brush should i use to brush my 8 week old rottweiler puppy? Should i brush it every day and does it help it not to smell? I haven't actually got him yet but want to be prepared.