Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties?

I have a very territoral pitbull rodisean ridgeback mix and she loves to guard our yard, the problem is that I live in the desert and there are a lot of cyoties where I live. My dog is behind a fence but she still barks and annoys the cyoties. Everydamn…

    Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties?

    I have a very territoral pitbull rodisean ridgeback mix and she loves to guard our yard, the problem is that I live in the desert and there are a lot of cyoties where I live. My dog is behind a fence but she still barks and annoys the cyoties. Everydamn…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties?...

    • Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties?

      Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a very territoral pitbull rodisean ridgeback mix and she loves to guard our yard, the problem is that I live in the desert and there are a lot of cyoties where I live. My dog is behind a fence but she still barks and annoys the cyoties. Everydamn morning there is cyote poo around my house because they like to mark because it pisses off my dog. How can I stop this?

      Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties?

      Hoiw can I stop the war between my pitbull mix and the wild cyoties? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You have got to be kidding -- you leave your dog outside to fend off the coyotes?Get that dog inside or one morning you will find lots of coyote poop with ridgback remains in it.What are you thinking of -- absolutely ridiculous to leave a dog out when you know there are coyotes around.

    • One of two things. you can allow a coyote hunter to come out and trap or hunt them. Many do for free because they sell the pelt. Or you can make a scare crow. Maybe they wouldn't come around if they thought someone was outside.

    • The coyotes are wild animals, not much you can do besides ignore them. Remember that coyotes are tricksters and can get into your fence and potentially harm your dog.

    • I recommend 30.06 therapy for the Coyotes. Your gonna have this problem. May I suggest the next time an "animal rights" activist talks about not harming coyotes, you tell them where to stick it and offer to ship a truckload to their gated community if they love them so $^#& much!

    • I hope those coyotes aren't digging under your yard fence! I'd get some ammunition and have an intensive session over several nights convincing them that it is a seriously bad idea to hang around. Dog barks.... out you go and make them sorry. Dog will be chuffed too that her warnings have made something positive happen..Someone told me Lion Dung (from garden centers) can deter wild dogs. If it doesn't work then it will help your plants grow I guess.

    • HA HA HA, these are Cycoties, NOT Crows.Do you actually tink they are going to be afraid of a Rag Doll !But, DO NOT let your animal break out of your yard !!!Those Cyotes can be mean as hell, and you'll have someserouus medlcal bills, or maybe even funeral expenses.Get a Trapper and have them relocated.

    • In the desert, under starvation conditions, coyotes will eat dogs or pets. But not likely. I raise dogs for the sole purpose of defending my farm from coyotes. It's war at my house quite often. Killing them will only scare them back a short time. Extremely smart and tough. Get a bigger dog!!!