How did you get into your breed?

What was it that first got your interested in your breed? How long ago was that?Detailed answers welcome.

    How did you get into your breed?

    What was it that first got your interested in your breed? How long ago was that?Detailed answers welcome....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How did you get into your breed?...

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    • How did you get into your breed?

      How did you get into your breed? Dog Breed Discussions
      What was it that first got your interested in your breed? How long ago was that?Detailed answers welcome.

      How did you get into your breed?

      How did you get into your breed? Dog Breed Discussions
    • My brother and sister-in-law own two corgis and have had them for a while. So when it was time for a new dog, my dad decided to get a corgi. And that's how we got Daisy, and the corgi loving began. :)

    • Hm, I don't really remember. I think I was taking one of those dog breeds selector quiz things and I got the Coton de Tulear....Either that or I was looking in the Dog Bible book and I found the Coton de Tulear.Edit-Oh, I remember now, it was definitely the second scenario!

    • I was young when I saw my first Doberman and I thought it was BEAUTIFUL! Then my sister said "RUN! THAT'S A DOBERMAN PINCHER!" I remember thinking "A pincher? How does a dog pinch someone?" and "That dog looks beautiful, not mean!"That experience got me interested so I began looking into the breed and soon realized it's Pinscher, not Pincher and that they aren't vicious at all, just wonderful, powerful dogs that are highly misunderstood. So I got my first Doberman and have been in love ever since.

    • One of the families I used to babysit for had a Doberman.I used to walk the kids with the dog all the time. I learned to really like the dog. She was very well behaved and loved the children. She taught the youngest one how to walk. He used her tail to pull himself up and would walk behind her. When I got older and moved out on my own I knew I wanted a Doberman.I got my first from a rescue.

    • It was around the time I got my dog, haha. I used to hate poodles. I thought they were creepy, girly, frilly, snappy dogs. When my mom finally let me get a dog, I had to get a 'hypo-allergenic' dog (which I know really don't exist now). So that limited my available dogs quite a bit. After researching different breeds and seeing my dog in an ad, I basically fell in love, haha. I loved beagles, so I thought a mix would be great for me, seeing as the poodle would make him the right size and he wouldn't shed (I was dumb. My dog is a lot bigger than I thought he was going to be and he does shed a little) . So, I got him. Now, I am completely in love with poodles, I love their personality, coat, temperament, everything. As for beagles..not so much. That was almost a year ago. Almost exactly, haha. So my first interest in poodles were their non-shedding coats and that's pretty much it. Now, I completely adore everything about them.

    • I really wanted a Pitbull as a result of all the bad attention that they get. However, my first and only dog has been a German Shepherd Dog because my husband really wanted one. My German Shepherd's name is Teagan and she's almost 2-years-old now. Though I wasn't interested in GSDs before, I am now. I see every stereotypical GSD trait in my dog. She is undeniably loyal to me. She follows me everywhere and makes sure that she's always close enough to see me from wherever she chooses to be in the room. She barks when someone comes to the house though she would never harm anyone; she simply just alerts me that someone is at the house. She is playful as can be, but she just as easily will relax and go to sleep if I tell her that it's not time to play. She's dainty and sophisticated. She's beautiful and elegant. She is a true companion and now that I have her I wouldn't want any other dog. She's everything I could have ever asked for in a dog.

    • My main breed is German Shepherd. I've grown up around them and have always had a fondness for them. To me they are the perfect dog and I will never be without one.I've recently branched out into the mastiff breed. They suit my lifestyle perfectly and are such beautiful gentle giants. Owning one is truly a pleasure and I don't mind putting up with the drool.I just love them!

    • When I was a child I always loved bull terriers and amstaffs. I use to watch TV and the dog shows and they would always be my favorite for some reason. Something just attracted me to those breeds. Later in life after I got my own house my BF and I decided to get a APBT pup out of a bad situation and we were also looking for a dog to love so it worked out. After we had him for a few years I started studying bull terriers. We both loved the look of them and I wanted to learn more about the breed. Since we already had experience with a bully breed type we knew that we would most likely love the bull terrier as a breed. APBTs and bull terriers are my favorite breeds for numerous reasons, but this is how I first started getting interested in them. I have met many different breeds over the years and these ones seem to fit us the best with our wants/needs in a dog as well as our life style.

    • I'm not really sure, I can just always remember loving herding breeds, maybe because I grew up with ACDs & kelpie mixes, my dad always loved them because their 'jobs' would be minding the ute and coming to work with him (He's a bricky) I just grew up loving herding breeds I guess.

    • I saw them being 'roadtested' on a TV show when I was little, I think about 12-13 years ago. I thought they were portrayed wonderfully in the show with all the pros and cons listed.I pushed owning a dog out of my mind because my parents didn't want a dog at that time. I respected their decision and never asked for one. When I was 12 we got our first dog, a Sheltie pup from a breeder. Mum loved Rough Collies (she had one when she was a young girl) but wasn't fond of large breeds so she chose the Sheltie. Monty was wonderful.When the time came to move out I began to think back to that TV show and thought "Well I can finally have a dog of my own." I researched them and a few other breeds before deciding that the Dallie was perfect for me.

    • my first favorite was a pit bull , some would ask why .i just think they are so beautiful and my father owned 3 of them .they are very playful and loving , no matter their rep. they make great family dogs.and they hate it when family fights physically and also yelling.

    • It was honestly by accident. My mom and I were watching the news, and on comes a segment on Hatchigo (spelling?). My mom instantly fell in love and I did my research, and figured out that this was the perfect breed for me. This was back in September.

    • I have a mongrel so don't really have a breed. He is a border collie cross and i picked him out of a shelter litter. Since then i have fallen in love with the breed.Their intelligence surpasses that of most dogs/and humans that i have known. They pick up things automatically without you even realizing. They can anticipate every action you're going to make before you do it. They can act the fool and also be a serious dog who follows commands without a second thought. They're obedient to a fault and a joy to be around. Their intensity will either make you love them more or despise them!!I think they're the ultimate 'marmite' dogs, you either love them or hate them!A breed i have developed an interest in over time has been the Anatolian Shepherd. My main interests are with big cats (along with hyenas) in Africa and Anatolians have been used and still are being used to protect the livestock herds from attacks by cheetahs. This therefore reduces the number of cheetahs killed by the farmers. A recent survey of the farmers in Namibia found that the average number of cheetahs killed per year since the program started in '94 has fallen from 19 to 3. I think these dogs and the people who run the program (Cheetah Conservation Fund) have done an excellent job with this. I am always interested and on the look out to find out more about this program and how they breed and place the dogs.They also use the Kangal as well and as far as i am aware there is a similar project underway in India for the wild tiger population however they started out using street dogs to protect the farms - mistake number 1 IMHO.I cannot remember first hearing about it except that it was a long time ago and since then i have been interested in these breeds and guardian breeds in general.

    • I don't have a breed - my dogs are both mixed. I've always love Rottweilers and Labs - my 12 year old Nikki is Rottweiler/Lab cross. Ben, well we got him because we were the best candidates for giving him a good home to live. He is a Lab/Irish Setter cross. We love the Irish Setters because of their personality and the fact that they are a great pet for the whole family.

    • Well, I first heard of huskies as a two year old watching Balto. I read Gary Paulsen's "WinterDance" when I was older and a spark of insanity decided that mushing would be a fun idea. My summer that year was spent on tons of sled dog research. That was how I first really researched Siberian. Then I saw a team of mushers with two huskies each, pulling bikes or dog scooters. After scootering with my lab, I fell in love with my borrowed lead dog's work ethcic and almost 6th sense about running down a trail. Then I fell in love with the Siberian personality, including all the "undesirable" traits too.I don't have a Siberian yet, so this story is still being written!

    • The year was 1980. Yes I'm old. I had just started in University and I wanted a purebred dog. I had a nice border collie mix but I wanted something that I could show in obedience. I really wanted a German shepherd but there weren't any quality ones around that I as a poor college student could afford. My friend had a litter of English springers and she had a little female that didn't sell. She offered her to me for $40. I really didn't want a hunting dog, I wanted a GSD. However, I took the adorable little spaniel who grew up to be my soulmate. I trained her in obedience, search and rescue and as a therapy dog. In fact she was the 3rd certified therapy dog in the state. My heart broke in two when that little dog died at 15 1/2. She had taken me places that I didn't know had existed. I swore not to get another one but my friends showed up at my door with a little 9 month old rescue that they had found in another town. This little dog reminds me so much of my first. It'll be a hard day when she goes. She is currently 14. Over the years I have had many dogs however, I'll always remember the first. Her name was "Freckles". I'll always have a springer in my home. I really don't want a GSD any more.

    • Actually, about 6 years ago watching some Conformation dog show on TV. I saw an extremely stunning Blue Merle Aussie....after that I talked to countless breeders and owners, did so much research I felt like my eyes were gonna pop out and now...6 years later I've got my little Aussie Poppy!