Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs?

My boyfriend has a bunch of deer antlers that have fallen off deer in the woods, I know that deer antlers are great for dogs teeth, but I don't know if the ones in the stores are treated before sold or not?

    Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs?

    My boyfriend has a bunch of deer antlers that have fallen off deer in the woods, I know that deer antlers are great for dogs teeth, but I don't know if the ones in the stores are treated before sold or not?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs?...

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    • Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs?

      Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
      My boyfriend has a bunch of deer antlers that have fallen off deer in the woods, I know that deer antlers are great for dogs teeth, but I don't know if the ones in the stores are treated before sold or not?

      Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs?

      Can you give a dog a deer antler straight from the deer, or are they treated before they are good for dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
    • My cousin collects them and he gives them to his rottie mix without treating it. His dog is 8 and he was doing this since he was 6 months old. Not once has he been sick from the antlers

    • My aunts dog, a huge Anatolian shepherd lives on acres of property and regularly brings home huge antlers she finds to chew on. She has never once gotten sick from them. My dad's friend hunts and also gives his dogs the antlers and they have never been sick either. I don't see why you couldn't give them to your dog.

    • Many hunters around here just give their dogs the antlers. There are many antler trained hunting dogs in the area as well. These dogs are trained to seek the sheds from deer and elk. Except for fractured teeth, these dogs have no problems with them. Dogs will fracture their teeth on the store bought ones too.