Pick a food any food for my pup!!?

Which one of these foods should I get my female Anatolian Shepherd puppy. Science Diet, Pro Plan, or Innova. These choices will all be for a puppy. Anatolian Shepherds are a large/giant breed. If you need more info on Anatolian Shepherds look them…

    Pick a food any food for my pup!!?

    Which one of these foods should I get my female Anatolian Shepherd puppy. Science Diet, Pro Plan, or Innova. These choices will all be for a puppy. Anatolian Shepherds are a large/giant breed. If you need more info on Anatolian Shepherds look them…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Pick a food any food for my pup!!?...

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    • Pick a food any food for my pup!!?

      Pick a food any food for my pup!!? Dog Breed Discussions
      Which one of these foods should I get my female Anatolian Shepherd puppy. Science Diet, Pro Plan, or Innova. These choices will all be for a puppy. Anatolian Shepherds are a large/giant breed. If you need more info on Anatolian Shepherds look them up.Please don't pick any foods exept one of these three. Thanxcan you get Innova at Petsmart?

      Pick a food any food for my pup!!?

      Pick a food any food for my pup!!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Innova! Science Diet and Pro Plan are mostly junk, full of 'filler' ingredients and common allergens like corn, wheat, and soy. Innova is an excellent, reputable brand, and they do make puppy formulations.

    • If you are going to feed commercial food then Innova or EVO would be the best choice.Did you know that by raw feeding a diet of meaty bones and offal your pup will grow at a slow and steady rate with no fears of 'spurts' that may cause problems? It is the dogs fed on high carbohydrate diets that experience the chubby stage and growth spurts of puppyhood.

    • Innova! (Just the regular Innova but not Innova's Evo grain-free goods--too high in protein for a large breed puppy. It would cause him to grow too quickly, which could cause orthopedic problems. But that would be good for him when he's grown.)Unfortunately, Petco or Petsmart doesn't sell it. Only independant pet food stores, or you can buy it online.

    • Our two shepherd mix dogs (one two and one 17 weeks) are both eating ProPlan. We started them on the large breed puppy formula. They like it and are in fantastic shape. Our vet raves about our older dog's lean muscle and healthy coat...