My dog likes to lick everything?

She is a 5 year old Anatolian Shepherd. She likes to lick stuff like pillows and couches. She gets them completely soaked. Why does she do this, it doesn't taste like anything, maybe it is nervousness but every day she does it, it is constantly. She eats…

    My dog likes to lick everything?

    She is a 5 year old Anatolian Shepherd. She likes to lick stuff like pillows and couches. She gets them completely soaked. Why does she do this, it doesn't taste like anything, maybe it is nervousness but every day she does it, it is constantly. She eats…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My dog likes to lick everything?...

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    • My dog likes to lick everything?

      My dog likes to lick everything? Dog Breed Discussions
      She is a 5 year old Anatolian Shepherd. She likes to lick stuff like pillows and couches. She gets them completely soaked. Why does she do this, it doesn't taste like anything, maybe it is nervousness but every day she does it, it is constantly. She eats right and everything.

      My dog likes to lick everything?

      My dog likes to lick everything? Dog Breed Discussions
    • could be an OCD behaviour. if you are able to get her to stop doing it when you say, then its not. dogs tend to enjoy licking objects that might be salty with sweat or with lots of dead skin cells on them like pillows and couches. it does taste good to them.

    • just be glad that she is not eat things(u need(cell phone|credit cards|money| and ect. ect.) the reason i think she lick things is because smell and lick ur other pet before u got this dog

    • Dog caresses and shows affection by licking; it is his way of showing love and appreciation for the person he does it to. But face licking should be encouraged and needs to be stopped. If he is stopped from doing this as a small puppy, he will learn to lay his face against his owner's cheek without the licking. Licking, after all, can be a cause of infection to owners in rare cases, and not all dogs live a completely clean life. Most of them drink water from the toilet, eat manure, and lick their behinds which not only their own but those of other dogs that might not be as healthy as yours. Therefore you should train your dogs the command "No Lick" to be followed by a kiss behind their ears and then have their chests very slowly and gently scratched. So many dog owners rub their dogs when praising them, which makes most dogs bad-tempered. Rubbing the hair the wrong way is particularly obnoxious to a dog, whereas the gentle smoothing of the hair on the chest or on the rump is particularly pleasing to them. They love being scratched on top of the tail because it is an area of pleasure. In addition, there are other areas of pleasure; behind the ears, under the lower jaw, on the ribs behind the front legs, on the tummy and especially between the front legs. Dog owners must find out which pleases each individual dog best and keep that pleasure for a reward, as well as to please the dog. If you notice that your dog is excessively licking their bodies, this could a sign that may indicate an allergy, constipation or a skin disease. Some people think that dogs wash themselves like cats; well, they do not. Sometimes when dogs get their paws wet, you will see them licking that area to dry, just as a female dog licks her puppies to clean and dry them. Dogs should be allowed to lick the hand because hands can easily be washed before touching food. However, generally speaking, licking should be avoided and stopped at an early age.As for licking couches im not really sure.

    • My dog does it, too, but mostly metallic objects and then he also eats his own poop and that of our other dogs, so I'm thinking it is a mineral deficiency or else just a nervous habit. Either way probably not life-threatening, and the answer is probably out there on the web. If you strike-out, then spend the $80-100 for a vet's advice.If you're thinking dietary deficiency, remember to change a dogs' food source gradually, they will get sick from a sudden change in brands or types, but you probably already knew that. You may want to try mixing two kinds of dry food just for variety. Good Luck!

    • It's an OCD thing. My dog does it as well. But he licks literally everything. He licks me, the carpet, the concrete outside, the other dogs, even my lizards tail. And he will do it until he is told to stop and then he'll do it when I am not looking. I see it as unhealthy and I discipline him every time he does it. I suggest you do the same.