Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest?

I have a 15 month old Anatolian that I have just started showing. I am interested in finding shows where there is competition for him. What area are they mainly shown in? I know they are mainly a working dog, but mine really has enjoyed his show ring…

    Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest?

    I have a 15 month old Anatolian that I have just started showing. I am interested in finding shows where there is competition for him. What area are they mainly shown in? I know they are mainly a working dog, but mine really has enjoyed his show ring…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest?...

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    • Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest?

      Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 15 month old Anatolian that I have just started showing. I am interested in finding shows where there is competition for him. What area are they mainly shown in? I know they are mainly a working dog, but mine really has enjoyed his show ring experience. Any help is appreciated. I live in central Kansas.He won Best of Breed at his first show.He is AKC registered

      Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest?

      Where to show Anatolian Shepherd Dog in MidWest? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If you want all the show listings and best AKC shows, go tohttp://americankennelclub.comit will lists all the AKC shows in the USgood luck, and congrats on becoming a handler, wish you all the luck in the world

    • I assume we are talking AKC? Or do you show in the UKC venue?Best place IMO to get show info ishttp//www.infodog.comClick on show information, then click on search by state.You may then click on each state you want to search in for upcoming shows...many also have the option of checking past entries for each breed at that location.If you join infodog, they also have function called 'find a major' that assists with choosing shows most likely to draw a major in your breed.