Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd?

So I'm leaving home and community college soon to go to a out of state university and my dad wants me to have a really sturdy and protective guard dog and I also want that combined with a good, affectionate family dog. So I did my research and I've…

    Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd?

    So I'm leaving home and community college soon to go to a out of state university and my dad wants me to have a really sturdy and protective guard dog and I also want that combined with a good, affectionate family dog. So I did my research and I've…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd?...

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    • Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd?

      Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
      So I'm leaving home and community college soon to go to a out of state university and my dad wants me to have a really sturdy and protective guard dog and I also want that combined with a good, affectionate family dog. So I did my research and I've narrowed it down to the Australian Shepherd and the Anatolian Shepherd. Which would be better as a guard dog? Please only answer is you have true EXPERIENCE with these breeds.

      Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd?

      Australian Shepherd or Anatolian Shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have had experience with Australian Shepherds. My only question is: Do you have time for a dog? Dogs, especially these incredibly energetic breeds need lots of love, exercise, and stimulation. Adapting to a new school, first year, with school work, are you sure you can commit? (Adult dogs are a little better, but they are working dogs, remember).If you can, do research on both. Neither one is a GUARD dog, both will probably give warning barks and protect in extreme conditions, but isnt going to attack someone who walks on your yard.

    • I don't know much about Anatolian's, but I do have a friend with an Australian shepherd and from what I see, she isn't the greatest guard dog. Very hyper. If you don't have the time for regular (and lots of it) exercise I advise you to not get an Australian. How come you want one of those breeds? I think German shepherds would be a great guard dog and with proper training are wonderful dogs. But then again, I do not necessarily think it's the greatest idea to get a pet primarily for it's guarding abilities. I think any dog, no matter the breed, will protect you if need be, if it feels loved and trusts you. Oh, and get obedience classes and socialize him/her. And if you're not going to be home much, it won't be fair for a dog to be alone so much. Good luck.

    • If your just out of collage your probably going to get a job so an austrillian shepard wont be right for you they need to much exersise. and they dont make good running parterners because they try to herd you. Go to a rescue or shelter and pick out a dog that fits your personallity. You shouldnt pick a breed you should pick a dog. Save a life!!! 25% of dogs in shelters are pure bred. Also im sure theres aussie and anatolian rescues. 4million dogs everyyear are killed because they dont have homes. thats just in shelters.22000 are greyhounds are killed because they are too slow to race every year.8000dogs starve to death every year because people dont care enough to feed them.thats just the dogs we know about.

    • I can see you've narrowed it down to two breeds. But american bulldogs. (google them it's not the little tiny ones your thinking of). ARe Very affectionate good dogs. But they are AMAZING guard dogs. Search them up on google first though. My friend has an australian sheperd. Hes very smart and a great guard dog. they are also more common and you can rescue one easily from the pound.

    • Well these are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT dogs. Anatolian Shepherds are aloof and very independent, they were bred to be this way. While Australian shepherds need A LOT of mental and physical stimulations daily. So i would go with this australian shepherd, because they would make a more affectionate companion that you are looking for. And people who know aussies know they have a little spunk to them and make good watch dogs.

    • A dog isn't going to protect you from the things your Dad is worried about - or should be worrying about. More than likely, the dog would get into trouble, and distract you from your studies. More likely, it will become what lawyers call an attractive nuisance - something that troublemakers or children find tempting. They would be more apt to slip it a hash brownie, or beer, and keep in mind dogs eat whatever is lying around. You'll have plenty to do without taking care of what is essentially a child itself. Leave the dogs out of it or you will be sorry, one way or another. I promise you. Aussies solve problems you never knew you had, and an Anotolian Shepherd would think it should guard you - who knows when. You won't be dating, let's just say that much (probably the answer Dad's looking for). Nope, I'm afraid Dad's just going to have to go along with you to college.