Nearest reputable breeder for my area?

I live in the Cincinnati area and was looking for someone who breeds Anatolian Shepherds and wouldn't mind answering my questions.

    Nearest reputable breeder for my area?

    I live in the Cincinnati area and was looking for someone who breeds Anatolian Shepherds and wouldn't mind answering my questions....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Nearest reputable breeder for my area?...

    • Nearest reputable breeder for my area?

      Nearest reputable breeder for my area? Dog Breed Discussions
      I live in the Cincinnati area and was looking for someone who breeds Anatolian Shepherds and wouldn't mind answering my questions.

      Nearest reputable breeder for my area?

      Nearest reputable breeder for my area? Dog Breed Discussions
    • get one from your local paper or check with vets in your area...stay away from show breeders they care nothing about the health of their dogs just breed standards for show kennel clubs won't put regulations on health screening because they would loose breeders and that's money in would be less money for them....