Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous?

We have a 7 year old Australian Kelpie that we adopted from the shelter around a year ago. Around people she is the sweetest, most affectionate dog you can imagine. But around other dogs we are not sure. A couple times my aunt brought over her little…

    Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous?

    We have a 7 year old Australian Kelpie that we adopted from the shelter around a year ago. Around people she is the sweetest, most affectionate dog you can imagine. But around other dogs we are not sure. A couple times my aunt brought over her little…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous?...

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    • Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous?

      Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have a 7 year old Australian Kelpie that we adopted from the shelter around a year ago. Around people she is the sweetest, most affectionate dog you can imagine. But around other dogs we are not sure. A couple times my aunt brought over her little shih-tzu. My dog would at first seem very playful and curious, then out of nowhere would pounce on him aggressively. I asked a question on here quite a while ago and a lot of people suggested this was a "prey-drive" since she is a fairly big dog, he's little, and Kelpies as herding dogs are supposed to have big prey drives. Also, when my aunt would bring over her dog, none of us could touch him as she would get very jealous and try to attack him. We took her to the dog park once and she wasn't overtly aggressive, but if there were a lot of dogs crowding around she would get a little nervous and snap at some. We also left her at a doggie daycare for 3 days and nights when we had to travel. They have a big open backyard, and indoor area with dog beds everywhere, and the dogs just run around free and play all day. The caretaker said they didn't have any problems with her, and she made some "friends" and had a very good time, except like I said once or twice she got nervous and snapped at another dog and had to be scolded.My question is, if it seems like this is something that can be corrected fairly easily, or if it'd be safer to just not get a second dog. Literally, whenever my aunt brings her dog over we all have to avoid him like the plague because she will get angry!

      Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous?

      Is it a bad idea to get a second dog if current dog is very jealous? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Two dogs of ANY breed can get along well with each other, as long as you introduce them to each other properly. If this is done wrong, the two dogs might fight each other.Do not rush the process, I cannot stress this enough! These two animals will learn to live together in their own time. But also, don't leave them alone in a room and let them deal with it on their own. Animals are animals, and although both breeds are domesticated, ALL animals have a wild streak in them.If you are really unsure about how to safely introduce two dogs, ask your vet about it when the time comes to get dog number 2. Make sure they know that you are the leader and things should float along fine.

    • If you decide to get a second dog you should get a second Australian Kelpie of the opposite gender. The same breed is always best and little dogs are trouble makers My two Chihuahuas are very aggressive to larger dogs and Shih tsu and Pekinese are just as aggressive. They are fine off the leash at the dog park, but are terrible in my home or other homes. Little dogs often have little dog syndrome and seem to growl and act aggressively to larger dogs. My three pound Chi does not growl enough that I can hear it, but when I can feel it on my arm. I know a dog knows he is being insulting I think he wants to see the larger dog corrected. That is what I call a trouble maker. Actually They are just frightened.