Why am I so sad that my dog died?

My Staffy x Kelpie just died unexpectantly, and she was like my sister. She was a part of my family and I miss her so much. Why do I feel like this? Will it get better? It feels worse than when a person dies. I miss her sooo sooo much and it hurts so bad.

    Why am I so sad that my dog died?

    My Staffy x Kelpie just died unexpectantly, and she was like my sister. She was a part of my family and I miss her so much. Why do I feel like this? Will it get better? It feels worse than when a person dies. I miss her sooo sooo much and it hurts so bad....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why am I so sad that my dog died?...

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    • Why am I so sad that my dog died?

      Why am I so sad that my dog died? Dog Breed Discussions
      My Staffy x Kelpie just died unexpectantly, and she was like my sister. She was a part of my family and I miss her so much. Why do I feel like this? Will it get better? It feels worse than when a person dies. I miss her sooo sooo much and it hurts so bad.

      Why am I so sad that my dog died?

      Why am I so sad that my dog died? Dog Breed Discussions
    • This is a completely normal reaction to the loss of a pet. I would be worried if you didn't feel this way. It will get better but it will take time, just like it does with any person that you're close to that you would lose. I'm very sorry for your loss.

    • You feel like this, because you had a strong bond with your dog. It is completely natural to feel this way, and I am very sorry for your loss. I had to put my Lab down five years ago, and even though I have another dog, and life has moved on, I still miss her dearly. Our dogs are an extension of us when we truly love them, and we feel grief when they pass just as much as if it were a human member of our family. Time will make it better, but you will always love and miss her.

    • Because in the US people treat animals like human beings. Having said that, I am not PRO animal abuse, I am just placing the fact that people do treat dogs more like human beings and not like, dogs. Regarding your feelings of sadness, it is OK to feel sad after you dog died. Give it some time you will have another pet you will care much about

    • It's perfectly normal to feel sad. You get attached to the animal as if she's a family member, and when she' gone it's terrible. When my hamster died I felt so sad, even today (months later).Eventually you will feel better, but you will still cry sometimes. I only had my hamster a short time, and even today I still cry sometimes. Cry as much as you like, put a picture of your dog on your desk, or somewhere where you can see her. Talk to friends and family. I'm so sorry :(

    • It hurts really bad. I know. 30 years of multiple dogs, I have lost many. I feel your pain. I know your pain. You are like this simply because this animal was a very important part of your life and now she is gone. You will get past it. You will start to feel better. It takes time. Even time doesn't completely heal. Bless you.

    • I am very sorry for your loss! It is ok , and normal to feel sad after a loss of your pet. A pet is an Extension of your family. They offer unconditional love and are always there when we want them to be. I have lost many family pets, and my advise to you would be take your love and admiration for your lost pet and place that towards a new companion. We learn so much from our animals, you can take this knowledge and teach a new pet. You will never forget your loss, but you can turn this into a positive memory and legacy. Good luck

    • Well, you pretty much answered your own question.Your dog was a member of your family, and you said she was like a sister to you - so you feel sad and upset just like you would if you lost your sister. It's completely normal to feel sad and cry.Those of us who truly love our animals go through the same kind of grief as others experience when a person dies.Yes, it will get better. But it might take a little time. If you have other pets right now, put all the love that you wish you could give your lost dog into them. They can help you through it. Most of our pets are only with us for a short period out of our entire life - so always give them the attention and the love they deserve. You said your dog died "unexpectedly" - maybe she was meant to teach you how to love all living creatures (something so many people never learn their entire lives), and she could only fulfill that purpose if she left you early.And if you believe in a god or higher power, talk to your dog when you talk to god or whoever/whatever you believe in (if you do). I personally am agnostic, but I believe if there IS a heaven, then our pets go there without question - they provide unconditional love in a way us humans never could.If it's still an option, maybe have a kind of memorial service. Ask your parents (I'm assuming you live with your parents but if you're older than that, then of course just do it yourself) if you can have a little service and bury her (either her body or her ashes if you had her cremated). It would just be your own family (don't invite relatives or anything), but you can tell her how much you love her and how good a dog she was, and bury her just like you would a person, and if you are religious, say a prayer. This might not be an option but if it is, I think you should do it. It really helped me and you can just cry and let all that emotion out.I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you the best. :)

    • Its completely normal to feel sad when you experience the loss of a Pet, or anyone you treasure for that matter.It will get better, when my Dog died I felt like the world had come to a sudden halt. But over a year I don't really mind anymore. Sure if I really think about it I get a little upset, but try not to dwell upon it. For example, in a Wolf Pack, when a Wolf dies, they are sad for a couple of days, and pay respect to the loss of their Pack Member in their own Wolf-ish ways. They soon carry on with life because Wolves and dogs live in the moment, and they never look back. I follow the example of the Wolves.The reason it feels worse than when a person dies (hopefully you won't of experienced a close family member pass away) is because your Dog is often closer to you than a person is, and they make much smaller mistakes not as often. Dogs do nothing to harm people mentally on purpose, humans do.I am dreadfully sorry about your loss, just remember the Wolves, and remember that you are not the only one. Many, many people know what it feels like, I certainly do!~ Zarago ~