I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her?

Is it ok to give her eggs?

    I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her?

    Is it ok to give her eggs?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her?...

    • I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her?

      I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her? Dog Breed Discussions
      Is it ok to give her eggs?

      I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her?

      I have a two year old Australian kelpie. What kind of fruit is good for her? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Cooked eggs are ok.The raw egg whites are hard to digest so make sure they are cooked. Go to a website about foods that are not good for dogs and read up on fruit.No grapes for sure but I think there are many more fruits .

    • Cooked Eggs are fine, they have lots of Protein, and good for their coats! Our dogs eat, Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, Apples (NO cores or seeds) Oranges, Melons..... Raisins, and Cherries and fruit pits are not good, so don't feed pits or seeds and all should be fine! Take Care!!