What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(?

the rspca sold my dog i live in bendigo Vic australia plz hes white and i miss him hes a kelpie cross Husky Cross plz i love him sooooo much:(My mum surenderd him and i love him <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/sad.png" alt=":(" /> i cried for 2 weeks:(:(:(:(

    What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(?

    the rspca sold my dog i live in bendigo Vic australia plz hes white and i miss him hes a kelpie cross Husky Cross plz i love him sooooo much:(My mum surenderd him and i love him <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/sad.png" alt=":(" /> i cried for 2 weeks:(:(:(:(...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(?...

    • What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(?

      What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(? Dog Breed Discussions
      the rspca sold my dog i live in bendigo Vic australia plz hes white and i miss him hes a kelpie cross Husky Cross plz i love him sooooo much:(My mum surenderd him and i love him :( i cried for 2 weeks:(:(:(:(

      What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(?

      What Can I do To Get MY dog back or find the people that own him:(? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There is pretty much nothing you can do. If he got out and never claimed him then thats your fault. If you surrendered him its your fault. If they took him from you then thats really your fault.

    • Assuming you signed him over, nothing. If he was picked up as a stray and rehomed, I still doubt there's anything you can do about him except be thankful he's found himself a good home. In any case, he will have made the adjustment, moved on with his new family, so why upset him with another upheaval (even if possible), or upset the people who now have him, who are unlikely to give him up in any case?I'm afraid you just have to accept what's happened, and move on too.

    • Sorry but your mum surrended him, technically she owned him and there is nothing you can do to get him back. The RSPCA isn't allowed to tell you any details of the new owners as it's against the privacy laws.My parents have surrended my pets to shelters before, and I know it hurts A LOT. But be happy that he was deemed adoptable and has found a nice home. I know it's really hard but there is nothing you can do to get him back now that he has been surrendered and sold.ETA You MAY (I am not sure on this as I thought it would be to painful for me to try to do this) be able to ask the RSPCA to send on your details to the new owners and ask if they can just let you know how he is going. You wont be able to get him back as he is legally theirs now, and it wouldn't be a good idea to take him back if your mum doesn't want him there/can't look after him. But if you can handle that, and handle that maybe the new owners wont call you even if the RSPCA sends on your details, you can give that a try.

    • Are you a legal adult? If so, your mother cannot legally surrender your dog if the dog's paperwork is in your name. If she bought the dog for you and the dog's microchip, tattoo, or licensing tags are in her name then the dog is legally hers. If you are a legal adult and the dog's veterinary care and registration (if applicable) is in your name you have legal recourse against the RSPCA AND your mother.If you are a minor living with your mother then by law she can do this. I know it sucks, but I have to wonder why your mother felt the need to give your dog away. Your dog is a cross between two high energy, notoriously destructive and difficult breeds so my immediate thought is that the dog was untrained and unruly. If this is the case, you made your bed now lay in it. If the dog was well mannered, not flea-ridden, and well cared for then have you discussed this with your mother?Either way, if you are a minor then the dog is probably legally hers to give away if she wants to, and since she did and he's since been adopted to somebody else then it's a done deal. I'm sorry. I don't know why your mom gave your dog away but since you didn't go into any detail about why she may have done so I, as a mother and dog owner myself, have to assume that the dog was a handful, she could no longer reasonably afford vet care or food, or something along those lines. I don't know her, so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.