When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered?

I was always told by vets and professionals that you should get your dog fixed when it is 8-15 weeks no later they told me its best to fix your dog before puberty because it has better health benefits. I got min fixed when they were four months old. you…

    When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered?

    I was always told by vets and professionals that you should get your dog fixed when it is 8-15 weeks no later they told me its best to fix your dog before puberty because it has better health benefits. I got min fixed when they were four months old. you…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered?...

    • When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered?

      When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered? Dog Breed Discussions
      I was always told by vets and professionals that you should get your dog fixed when it is 8-15 weeks no later they told me its best to fix your dog before puberty because it has better health benefits. I got min fixed when they were four months old. you can even get them fixed at 3 weeks old. but if your puppy is a small bread the vet will make you wait until the puppy has reached a certain weight before desexing them. but your getting a large breed so I would say wait until they are at least 4-6 months old.

      When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered?

      When is the best time to get a Rottweiler/German Shepherd male puppy neutered? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I'd not get him done until he's at least a year to give him time to mature a bit and you time to decide whether castration is totally needed. Kept properly, there should be no need for any entire male to be wandering around siring unwanted litters, and for the most part, what they don't know, they don't miss. It's not like human males!! Yes, a nearly b itch in full season may upset him, so you'd avoid that, but otherwise, I suggest he may be perfectly happy without needing surgery. I freely admit to now considering castration is necessary, unless for medical reasons (retained testicles, prostate flares etc.)I do subscribe to spaying bitches however, as there is the risk (only a risk) of cancers later on, the more seasons a b itch is allowed to have, and spaying avoids the need to confine them for 3 weeks, twice a year. If your household is going to be busy over the festive season, I'd urge you to consider asking the breeder of this puppy to hold him for you until things have quietened down again - Christmas itself is not a good time to bring a puppy into any household other than one which is going to be quiet at that time.I'm leaving alone the fact that normally only BYBs produce mix-bred puppies!!!

    • I am getting a little (probably soon to be HUGE) male rottweiler/german shepherd mix puppy before Christmas, as he is only 4 weeks old right now. I have heard several different opinions on when it is best to neuter him. It seems to make sense that I maybe wait until he is 18 months to 2 years old to ensure he matures properly (again, I have no idea what the best way is). Thanks in advance!

    • The most recent research suggests waiting until the dog has a mature bone structure before neutering or spaying. With the large breeds that would be around 18 months.Here is an article about it written by a well-known sports veterinarian, Dr. Chris Zink;http://www.caninesports.com/SpayNeuter.html