how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd?

My parents want a German Shepherd but i want a kitten instead. How do I beg for a kitten without making them mad? BTW- I have 4 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 guinea pig.

    how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd?

    My parents want a German Shepherd but i want a kitten instead. How do I beg for a kitten without making them mad? BTW- I have 4 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 guinea pig....
    Dog Breed Discussions : how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd?...

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    • how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd?

      how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
      My parents want a German Shepherd but i want a kitten instead. How do I beg for a kitten without making them mad? BTW- I have 4 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 guinea pig.

      how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd?

      how do you beg for a kitten when your parents want a German Shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You don't beg. You ask, like a responsible young adult and not like a whiny brat. And if your parents say no, you continue to act like a responsible young adult and don't throw a tantrum. The only reason they'd get mad is if you start crying or pouting or flounce out of the room, if you don't get what you want.

    • Maybe you could start by listing all the good points for both animals, and all the bad points. It should become clear which animal is best to get. For instance, German Shepherds tend to get bad legs as they get older, and it can be quite upsetting to see a pet in pain. I have a german shep, and they really are lovely dogs. They are very loyal to their owners. But I used to have a cat, and I absolutely adored it. Both animals are very good choices.Good Luck!

    • If I where you i would tell them that "Getting another dog will cause way more mess and walking. Cats are less mess and you don't have to walk them. Plus I think our cat would like a friend." Try to make a point and if they don't like begging just say that you would like a cat more then a dog.Hope this helped!Good Luck!