What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd?

dont just say german shepherd because pit bulls have a bad rep their nice as long as you treat them good i like both dogs though.

    What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd?

    dont just say german shepherd because pit bulls have a bad rep their nice as long as you treat them good i like both dogs though....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd?...

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    • What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd?

      What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
      dont just say german shepherd because pit bulls have a bad rep their nice as long as you treat them good i like both dogs though.

      What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd?

      What should i get a pit bull or a german shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I like pit bull;s because they don't shed as much, don't get as big, and are every bit as intelligent as German Shepherds.Even though pit bulls tend to be smaller than german Shepherds, I don't know anybody who would challenge a 50 pound pit bull. At the same time, I don't know anybody who would be too impressed or scared of a 50 pound German Shepherd.However, German Shepherds tend to make better dogs for Shutzhund type training. My pit bulls are pets, not guard dogs. Even so, I've never had my house broke into, even when I lived in a bad area for many years. My pit bulls would bark at the door, or if they heard someone fooling around outside. That was always enough. Little did those people know that if they had opened the door, my dogs would have expected them to rub their tummy or throw their toy.It is all a personal preference, though. I've had German Shepherds too, before getting my first pit bull 15 years ago. Shepherds are good dogs too.El Chistoso

    • It depends: If you want a pit because you think they look tough or will maul intruders, go with the Shepard. Pit Bulls were bred to be HUMAN SUBMISSIVE, so they are not so great at personal protection, even though they are quite loyal. But if you're looking for an active dog to hike, play frisbee, and curl up on the couch with you, go with the pit! Before the street criminals and wannabe thugs started using them instead of Dobermans, the Pit Bull was a CHERISHED member of the family, and has served this country nobly on the battlefield, as therapy dogs, and as top narcotics and bomb detecting dogs. I adore my pit bull Stella, my old Bam Bam, and the pits I work with at the rescue. They are sweet, affectionate dogs, and the third most popular dog on the east coast! But Shepards are pretty cool too... They are better for pp, but also excel at sports. Give more info on what you are looking for in a dog, and I'll give you more specific info on which would suit you better!

    • Depends. Are you willing to advocate for your pit when people drive you nuts reminding you of their nasty reputation? The only way pits can shake their reputation is through owners who talk about how nice pit bulls are. They are sweethearts if you do not spoil them or mistreat them. All dogs should have training classes, though. I have a pit. She's great. She's the most popular dog in this neighborhood. She wipes her feet when she comes inside and rings a bell to get out of the house. She stops at curbs. When I say "Walk with me", she's at my knee wherever we go. She would chase her ball and bring it back until she fell over if we let her. Its the terrier in her. I think you get a lot of respect if you have a German Shepard. They're big, smart dogs. Nervous, though. They bark a lot too. My dog doesn't bark. She'd let the neighborhood in. She loves parties. Pits aren't watchdogs. They love people.They have an abundance of energy. People don't realize how much energy terriers have. Pit Bulls come from English Staffordshire Bull Terriers. You have to exercise them. Choose the kind of dog you want based on your lifestyle. Do you want to forever explain to everyone about your dog, and exercise it for an hour or more daily? Or do you want a dog that will protect you?