is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city?

im thinking about moving to a dangerous city and i need a do to protect me. i have an old german shepherd but hes kinda limp and im planning on gettin a puppy and thought of a german shepherd and was thinking about taking the pup to the city with me and…

    is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city?

    im thinking about moving to a dangerous city and i need a do to protect me. i have an old german shepherd but hes kinda limp and im planning on gettin a puppy and thought of a german shepherd and was thinking about taking the pup to the city with me and…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city?...

    • is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city?

      is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city? Dog Breed Discussions
      im thinking about moving to a dangerous city and i need a do to protect me. i have an old german shepherd but hes kinda limp and im planning on gettin a puppy and thought of a german shepherd and was thinking about taking the pup to the city with me and the part where my job is is supposed to be a bad part of town.

      is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city?

      is a german shepherd a good dog to proctect me when im in a dangerous city? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You need to do a bit more research and contact a local Animal Protection service to find the right dog properly trained to guard you that would be allowed to go with you to work.

    • And what good is a well bred well trained and EXPENSIVE personal protection dog going to do you if you get attacked while leaving work and the dog is home?Want to protect yourself? Take some decent self defense classes.

    • german shepherds are very good dogs, so are english staffys, american will have to teach the dogs by itself not when it is around your other shepherd..they are loyal too! i'm thinking about buy myself one this xmas:)takecare

    • A dog will not protect you without proper professional training.The only place you should get a PP dog is from a reputable kennel who specialises in training PP dogs. Even then, prepare to take out a loan for one; they run for about $10,000+.Complete myth that the average pet will protect you from danger, including so-called protective breeds like GSD's, Dobes, Rotties. Home security systems and a gun are far more reliable.But why the hell would you intentionally move to a dangerous city?? God damn crazy!!

    • German Shepherds are intimidating dogs, so that's a plus. It also depends on how you train your dog. A few more good ones a rottweilers, great dane, bull mastiff. It also depends on how much you will be able to exercise the dog, Great Danes don't need that much exercise, but they are big strong dogs, so you would have to invest in some training. Boxer's are very energetic so they would need exercised! Again, training makes the dog!

    • well before anything its mean that your getting the dog just to protect yourself.german shepherds are loving and caring animals with its owner family and close friends. if you and the german shepherd become close then it will defend you at all cost. they are great watch dogs.