Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household?

I already have all of the connections to get both. But i can't choose. So i was wondering if it were a good posibility to maybe own both? I don't know. It might be crazy, but i want to know. The german shepherd is a new born pup, it is purebred. The…

    Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household?

    I already have all of the connections to get both. But i can't choose. So i was wondering if it were a good posibility to maybe own both? I don't know. It might be crazy, but i want to know. The german shepherd is a new born pup, it is purebred. The…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household?...

    • Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household?

      Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household? Dog Breed Discussions
      I already have all of the connections to get both. But i can't choose. So i was wondering if it were a good posibility to maybe own both? I don't know. It might be crazy, but i want to know. The german shepherd is a new born pup, it is purebred. The sloth is a baby too. So i would like to see if that might work?

      Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household?

      Is it possible to have a german Shepherd and sloth in the same household? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I mean, yes, German Shepherds are intelligent, if you got the dog and the sloth at the same time as babies, he would be socialized to accept sloths as family members, just like with lambs and baby goats, normally a dog might eat them (wild ones do) but if raised from a pup, they protect the lambs like their own puppies. All a matter of socialization.That being said, it wouldn't be a good idea to just let the dog and the sloth live in the same area and interact all day long, because the SLOTH can become aggressive, since they are not domesticated, they would not socialize to accept a dog.

    • Well, all animals will be able to behave with one another if you condition them to be together.You might want to help the situation by getting the two animals acquainted with each other and also letting them interact. Keep a close eye on how the two behave, however-- just like humans, their emotions can get the best of them, and their chemistry might not be the best for the both of them. Overall, what I'm saying is yes, it's possible to have both a German Shepherd and a sloth in the same household, but you must get them to interact and become comfortable with one another's presence as soon as possible. Don't let one or the other think that they're the prince or princess of the household and that they don't have to share. It's like rearing children.. XD

    • Of course... as with any dog, what ever they are raised with is going to be their norm and their norm is what counts. Aside from that many dogs in general are drawn to chase, play or attack things that are fast moving.. cancel that thought with the sloth. lol