How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd?

I have an elderly male dachshund who tends to not get along with everyone he sees. My aunt just purchased a German Shepherd puppy, but unfortunately her husband just left her and she no longer has enough money or time to care for it and offered him to…

    How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd?

    I have an elderly male dachshund who tends to not get along with everyone he sees. My aunt just purchased a German Shepherd puppy, but unfortunately her husband just left her and she no longer has enough money or time to care for it and offered him to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd?...

    • How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd?

      How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have an elderly male dachshund who tends to not get along with everyone he sees. My aunt just purchased a German Shepherd puppy, but unfortunately her husband just left her and she no longer has enough money or time to care for it and offered him to me. I didnt really want him to end up in a shelter so I decided to say yes. She should be bringing him around next week. Im a bit worried that my Dachshund wont get along with him though... How do I introduce them and get them used to each other?

      How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd?

      How can I introduce my Dachshund to my new 5 month old German Shepherd? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have 4 I understand your pain! xD What we did every time we got a new dog was just kind of let them be (supervised of course!) to meet each other. Our dogs all get along, so I'd say it worked out pretty good!

    • If she bought the German shepherd from a good breeder-she should be required to return the pup to the breeder if she cannot care for it. If not, she could also surrender the pup to a German Shepherd rescue.Honestly, I don't think you should bring a puppy into a house with an elder dog-especially one that doesn't get along with others. Not a lot of dogs like or can handle puppies. It also might be too stressful for your older dog. You usually introduce new dogs on neutral territory, then move to your house/property. Keep them separated and supervised on the first day-crated when you cannot watch them. Supervise them for the first week together-Don't treat the new puppy differently, make sure your old dog is getting the same attention as before. Feed them separately, give them their own bed/crates.

    • I would encourage you to listen to Ama - she is absolutely right. While you could foster the puppy, it isn't necessary for you to keep it permanently - GSD's are serious equipment, and huge commitment. If the breeder won't take the puppy back, the rescue should be able to place it very easily. Sometimes rescue means NOT keeping the dog. In the meantime, DO NOT mix these two, at all. Just get a metal baby gate and let your old Doxie have the kitchen to himself, or another quite room. Nothing good will become of mixing the two, and your old dog will end up getting hurt badly. He deserves peace, quiet and most of all safety. You sould also be crate training this puppy. no matter what.