How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day?

Also, how much does a full grown German Shepherd need per day?

    How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day?

    Also, how much does a full grown German Shepherd need per day?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day?...

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    • How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day?

      How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day? Dog Breed Discussions
      Also, how much does a full grown German Shepherd need per day?

      How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day?

      How much exercise does a 9 month old German Shepherd need per day? Dog Breed Discussions
    • as much as you can give em'. my buddy's got a full grown german shepard. (very well trained) He will run around in the yard whenever you wanna go outside, always ready to play.

    • A lot. I've got a Belgian shepherd puppy who's now 11 months and he goes for 2 or 3 walks a day, one is a good hour long. He also spends time every day training, either for conformation or obedience or rally, or all 3. He also gets plenty of time playing things like tug or chasing a ball or stick, or playing with other dogs.A very smart, active breed needs a lot of exercise as well as mentall stimulation for his mind or they get really bored and frustrated, then destructive.

    • as a 9 month old is still a puppy, you don't need to go overboard with the exercise. but he/she can still go quite a ways. I'd say 3/4 to 1 mile at a slow/medium trot, and a 1/2 hour at a park playing fetch and stuff should be ok. i'd say adults need at least 1-2 miles "trotting"per day, and they'll have lots of energy left over for your gs to run well next to a bike is highly recommended. I find that even if I am running, the pace is not fast enough for my dog to maintain a running pace, and won't get a good enough workout. the dog will not object to walking by any means, but i don't think it's enough for a younger dog.any less exercise than this and you will more than likely see behavioral problems like excessive barking, digging, chewing, etc. start to come up. They are big dogs and great distance runners. You really need to stay up on this part, cause no one likes a neurotic gs.

    • More is better at this age. Try to exercise at least twice a day, especially if you are working. A morning walk helps to calm them down for the day, gives them some mental stimulation before being left alone. They also need a good afternoon walk/run and play with other dogs.I found giving my dog a treat ball worked well, they really need mental stimulation as well. So doing obedience for 15 minutes 3 times a day is really good too.

    • Well it is usually 5 minutes per each month of age for puppies, so a 9-month-old puppy needs a 45 minute walk. Your dog is a herding dog, so the more it walks, and runs and plays the more energy the dog gets. I would think when it is full grown it will need at least a 1 hour walk. If this is not enough to drain the energy, you can add another walk later, or add things like agility classes.