For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies?

Which one do you think was easier to train? Your german shepherd or lab? Im wondering which one to get.I have had both of these dogs before but never had them as puppies so i can't tell which one is actually easier to train.

    For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies?

    Which one do you think was easier to train? Your german shepherd or lab? Im wondering which one to get.I have had both of these dogs before but never had them as puppies so i can't tell which one is actually easier to train....
    Dog Breed Discussions : For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies?...

    • For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies?

      For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
      Which one do you think was easier to train? Your german shepherd or lab? Im wondering which one to get.I have had both of these dogs before but never had them as puppies so i can't tell which one is actually easier to train.

      For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies?

      For those who have had a german shepherd and a lab when they are puppies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Unless you know how to handle a german shepherd, I would recommend the lab. This breed needs owners who are naturally authoritative over the dog in a calm, but firm, confident and consistent way.

    • For you, neither. Because you don't seem like you have experience, and that is exactly what both breeds need.German shepherds are HIGHLY trainable. They learn fast and have a strong drive to learn. But you need to be experienced, or a lot of aggressive behaviors can form.Labs are smart, but they are HYPER, something 80% of lab owners did not know because they did not research. That is why the majority of labs out there you see are fat and untrained. They are hyper, and they are stubborn, and they are BIG dogs! They need a lot of exercise, almost more then most shepherds I have met. They also need a very strong owner/leader who can deal with a stubborn dog. People buy labs because "they make such great family dogs", but have no idea what they are getting. People buy shepherds because "they are so smart and they are guard dogs" and have no idea what they are getting. Most labs are hyper and untrained, most shepherds have some sort of aggression or fear problem.Do your research, PROPER RESEARCH, and you won't have to ask questions like this.

    • German Shepherds are proved to be very very smart dogs. I had one and he was a wonderful dog. Very easy to train, we even got to train him to pee on the rocks ha ha my dad didn't like yellow spots. I totally recommend a german shepherd, don't get me wrong I love labs but they are a little over breed. German Shepherd also tend to have hip problems.

    • Love is a GSD is so right. My GSDs were not puppies when they came along, but my lab was. First, these breeds are pretty much polar opposites when mature.Both are very trainable, but both are very high energy dogs. High energy dogs can be extremely destructive if not properly trained and exercise. That means more than just a walk everyday. GSDs tend to be more intelligent, but that does not mean easier to train. They can be quite a handful for inexperienced handlers. Please do careful research on both breed. They both have health issues to consider. Both can have serious drives. I dont' think you could say one is more trainable than the other. it depends on the individual dog and the trainers abilites.

    • I have had a German Shepherd and it was really easy to train. I will share what an obedience trainer shared with one of my puppies classes one day. He told this one lady that most puppies literally outgrow the puppy stage within the first year, but as loyal and wonderful as Labs are, it takes them a couple of years to grow out of the mischevious puppy stage.