Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price?

I am doing a favor for my cousin's girlfriend. How I got roped into this, I have no clue, but now she is relying on me to get him a puppy for Valentines day. He either wants a German Shepherd or a Husky puppy.

    Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price?

    I am doing a favor for my cousin's girlfriend. How I got roped into this, I have no clue, but now she is relying on me to get him a puppy for Valentines day. He either wants a German Shepherd or a Husky puppy....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price?...

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    • Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price?

      Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am doing a favor for my cousin's girlfriend. How I got roped into this, I have no clue, but now she is relying on me to get him a puppy for Valentines day. He either wants a German Shepherd or a Husky puppy.

      Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price?

      Where can I find a German Shepherd puppy for a reasonable price? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dont really know where you can get a German Shepherd at a reasonable price, but dont be too cheap. Is really necessary that you get them from a good stock, they are prone to a terrible hip problem which can mean they have to be put down. Not a good cheap option.

    • Look on craigslist there are numerous puppies listed in Milwaukee and Madison that need to be adopted and some of them are only a few months old. We got ours off of there. It was cheaper and we were keeping him out of the pound.

    • Bad idea! If he wants a dog, send him to GSD Rescue. Let him go thru the proper channels and interviews etc and find out if he should really even be a dog owner. Many people shouldn't have a dog, they just like the idea of a cute puppy, and once they find out they need to work at things, or that the puppy is only cute for a short time, They tend to get rid of the dog. Make him earn the dog thru the proper channels.

    • Please go to the SPCA first. The way their fees are structured (in NYC at least) they get more for euthanizing an animal than for storing it, therefore animals are kept only for a week before they're "gone."Often they have babies, but they go quick. If this is the girl's first dog, she has no idea how much work a puppy is, or how much damage a teething puppy will cause between the ages of 6 months to 18 months. They may chew on everything from furniture to linoleum or rip up carpeting. Then there's the house breaking, until that's finally fixed, "accidents" will happen for a year or more. Consider a house broken dog 2 years old or older--they are lower maintenance but still young enough to be fun and energetic.Huskies love to run, and need minimum of an hour per day of exercise, running, jogging, fetching frisbee, etc., EVERY SINGLE DAY, rain, shine, sleet or snow, hot or cold. Otherwise they get very hyper, or angry, and display severe behaviorial problems. If this is a problem, consider a Toy Poodle, Yorkie, or Pomeranian. They are small, attentive, smart, and following you around the house and daily walks around the block for bathroom breaks are enough exercise for them. Of course, they love to let loose and run on the weekends, too!Also, consider the animal's welfare. It's not fair to a puppy if no one is home to keep it company for 10 hours of its waking day. Good luck, but I think a box of chocolates and a live plant would make better gifts.

    • My advise go to inter net and look the breeder of German shepherd or Husky that near in your place, you can get a good pet quality and ask to give you good price.

    • depends on where u live. go to petfinder.com and look them up.German shepardsi found 1 at the S.P.C.A. of Polk Countyin lakeland florida.i found 1 at Lost Angels Animal Rescue Tampa, FL I found 1 at American Lab Rescue, Inc Willington, CT