Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house?

Our year old German Shepherd has been using the bathroom inside the house lately. He didn't do this before and we have a couple other dogs in the house. We let him out every time he needs to go or we will have the door open enough for him to go out when…

    Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house?

    Our year old German Shepherd has been using the bathroom inside the house lately. He didn't do this before and we have a couple other dogs in the house. We let him out every time he needs to go or we will have the door open enough for him to go out when…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house?...

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    • Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house?

      Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house? Dog Breed Discussions
      Our year old German Shepherd has been using the bathroom inside the house lately. He didn't do this before and we have a couple other dogs in the house. We let him out every time he needs to go or we will have the door open enough for him to go out when we are home (By the way,he does this when we are home, usually when we are asleep. Is there anything we can do to help this problem along?We have the spray but it working to no avail.

      Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house?

      Why is my year old German Shepherd all the sudden going to the bathroom inside the house? Dog Breed Discussions
    • 1. I'd take him to the vet to make sure that nothing is wrong with him.2. Go to a local pet store and ask about a spray that you can spray wherever he went to the bathroom and it will eliminate the scent so that he wont continue doing it.3. If he is not sick, discipline him until he knows not to do it in the house.

    • It could be either something behavioral like marking. Even though some people spay their males they still do it from time to time. Or maybe something medical. Even though he is 1 year old he is still considered a pup at a juvenile stage sometimes. All our dogs have done this from time to time I would suggest retraining him and if that doesn't work maybe go to your vet to rule out medical.

    • The first thing a veterinarian is going to rule out is a physical problem. If they don't find anything wrong with him during a physical examination, it''s probably a behavioural issue. Has anything changed in the home recently? Any additions, human or animal? Any abrupt changes to your normal routines? Sometimes pets can begin exhibiting this kind of behaviour when they're upset about something changing within the household. Also, if you think it might have something to do with anxiety, you can get sprays from your veterinarian that will calm your dog when he's feeling nervous or anxious. This might help too.