is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever?

really don't know about a german shepherd because of the ear situation you know will they stand and all so help me out!!will their ears stand

    is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever?

    really don't know about a german shepherd because of the ear situation you know will they stand and all so help me out!!will their ears stand...
    Dog Breed Discussions : is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever?...

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    • is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever?

      is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever? Dog Breed Discussions
      really don't know about a german shepherd because of the ear situation you know will they stand and all so help me out!!will their ears stand

      is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever?

      is a german shepherd a good dog to buy or should i consider a labrador retriever? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Depends what is your lifestyle like (exercise, mental stimulation, time etc..)? Do you want a dog that is wary of stangers or is very friendly with stangers? Do you want a dog that is very protective or a all around friendly dog?

    • german shepards tend to be aggressive, and very hard to control. labrador retrievers are calm, fun, and nice to be around kinda pets, personally i do like the german shepards, but they are hard to control and can hurt people, but then again i'd go with the labrador retirever. a lot more fun to be around and have around

    • A german shepherd is a great guard dog but if your only going to by one because of that then dont but one. If you have kids then a labrador is great. Usually bigger dogs like golden retrievers or labs are great with kids. A german shepherd is not that great of a dog if you have a family of youg kids. If your kids are 13 or older then go for either. But if they are 12 and under go for a lab.

    • both breeds are very good dogs. with the ear situation if you look at the litter look at their ears some may be droopy and some my already be standing which is what they should already be doing by at least 8 weeks old.

    • both are awesome. i had like 10 German shepherds at one time. they were great! German shepherds are very vocal and some can exceed 125+. they are good with kids if you get them as babies but older ones are different. since they tend to bond to one person and will try to protect you from everything!!! although it depends on the dog. they can be trained to be open real easy! good luck, my choice, German shepherds!

    • Don't know where the other posters got thier information about German Shepard's being aggressive, but I've had 2 German Shepard's and right now have an AKC registered German Shepard and she is the sweetest dog in the world. My other German Shepard was also very well behaved and not aggressive, any dog can be trained to be aggressive.Do your research and get the best dog that fits your life style.Make sure that which ever dog you get that it is properly trained.

    • There's no reason to automatically assume that you should only buy a German Shepherd if you want a protection or guard dog - it's media stereotype and unbased. German Shepherds are a herding breed, and that herding instinct gives them a higher drive and demand for something to do. A German Shepherd needs a job, or needs good stimulation to keep them interested, active, and out of trouble. Poorly bred German Shepherds, or those who are poorly trained or ignored, can become a problem, but that is ANY breed. Shepherds from good lines typically do not have any ear issues, and will stand on their own after teething.

    • If you get a Shepherd from a reputable breeder the ears will stand. As far as choosing between the two, it depends on your needs. There are two ways to judge a dog as far as protecting your home goes. There is a gaurd dog and a watch dog. Gaurd dog is the ability of a dog to be able to take action against a person who is attacking you. Watch dog is the ability of a dog to notify you when someone is on your property. Both dogs are a 5 out of 5 watch dog, but a German Shepherd is also a 5 out of 5 gaurd dog. A labrador is a 2 or 3 out of 5 gaurd dog. So if you are looking for a dog that can defend you, a German Shepherd would be a better choice for you. Both dogs have very simular exercise needs and grooming requirements. Labs love water where with GSD's it depends on the dog. My GSD did not like water, but I have seen others that loved jumping into the swimming pool. The one thing you need to know before you buy a German Shepherd is the potential health problems. GSD's are prone to hip and elbow displysia, cancer, and bloat. The labrador is a healthier breed. I owned a GSD and at 7 years of age I had to put him to sleep because he got a tumor in his abdominal cavity that attached to his intestine and spleen. I got him from one of the top breeders in the country, he had a health gurantee til 5 years of age, but no matter what the pedigree you are always rolling the dice. You just improve your odds when you buy from a better breeder. On the other hand, the GSD I owned was the best dog I have ever owned in my entire life. He was house broken in 2 days, he learned every command after only a day of training, he was awesome. So there you go, take the information and make the right decision for you.Additional info--GSD's are well known to be a very, very good dog to have with families with children. Ask any trainer, breeder, or dog expert and they will tell you that the GSD is one of the best dogs around children. There intelligence allows them to realize they need to be gentle around children, and there protective instincts are second to none.

    • German Shepherds are the best as long as you get one from a very good breeder. I have a female and a 7 year old. That dog and her are always together, my shepherd not once every showed her aggression. The dog has been with us since 8 weeks old, she comes from a breeder that has been breeding a quality bloodline since the 70's. My dog isn't nervous, she been very easy to train. That is the key a good quality dog, not someone who just breeds them and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. Labs are great dogs, but if you want a dog that is truly noble and smarter than most. GERMAN SHEPHERD ARE IT!

    • Those are two very different breeds, and its not just because they don't look the same.Here is some good research on the breeds. Read about them, write down all the pros and cons that you may have about each breed as you read about them, compare how many pros and cons that you've written about them, and pick the one that has more pros than cons. :0)German Shepherd Dog Retriever