Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States?

I live in the Northwest and I am looking for a great German Shepherd breeder. I have several in mind, but I would like some more suggestions. I am open to traveling to Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah. Personal experiences from…

    Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States?

    I live in the Northwest and I am looking for a great German Shepherd breeder. I have several in mind, but I would like some more suggestions. I am open to traveling to Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah. Personal experiences from…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States?...

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    • Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States?

      Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States? Dog Breed Discussions
      I live in the Northwest and I am looking for a great German Shepherd breeder. I have several in mind, but I would like some more suggestions. I am open to traveling to Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah. Personal experiences from the breeder are greatly recommended. Thank you so much!

      Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States?

      Where can I find an excellent German Shepherd breeder in Northwest United States? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Please adopt. Adopting a dog is saving a life. Plus pure breeds often get sicker easier than mixed breeds. A pure breed has concentrated genes which also means concentrated diseases like hip-dysplasia. Check out petfinder.com to find a shepherd available in your area

    • I wanted a well bred German Shepherd but ended up adopting one and she is great. She came fully potty trained and over the biting stage. I am on a German Shepherds forum and so many well bred dogs even have problems, but I guess if you wanted the dog for shows then you would need a well bred dog, but if you want a pet, you can find some incredible dogs at shelters. The dog from "I am Legend" is a rescue. Just think it over, we don't regret our decision, we even get free training for life for adopting her from a shelter.