What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth?

I was playing with my four month old German Shepherd puppy. I was tossing a stick and playing a little fetch with him. At one period, I had to tug with him a bit. Then I noticed that he was bleeding and I found the tooth on the ground. Could this…

    What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth?

    I was playing with my four month old German Shepherd puppy. I was tossing a stick and playing a little fetch with him. At one period, I had to tug with him a bit. Then I noticed that he was bleeding and I found the tooth on the ground. Could this…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth?...

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    • What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth?

      What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth? Dog Breed Discussions
      I was playing with my four month old German Shepherd puppy. I was tossing a stick and playing a little fetch with him. At one period, I had to tug with him a bit. Then I noticed that he was bleeding and I found the tooth on the ground. Could this possible have been a loose baby tooth or something serious?

      What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth?

      What happens if you pull a german shepherd puppy tooth? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Its a baby tooth. Don't be worried. He will loose all of them eventually. You just happened to find this one. They always bleed. Just like a kid when he looses a tooth! :)

    • Four months is prime teething time. It can be a bit painful for them to loose a tooth but unless it was an adult tooth it's nothing to worry about. My Belgian Shepherd teethed from 4 months to 6 months and typically chewed wood until the teeth fell out(she preferred Willow branches).

    • well he is a puppy so of course it is a baby tooth it is quite normal to pull a puppy's tooth out unless it is all ready a grown up tooth if it is go to the vet but i bet the tooth has all ready grown out good luck