What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair?

No pitbull because my insurance has threatened to drop me if I get one. No Beligian Malinois they are too crazy. And nothing bigger than a German Shepherd please. I am fine with shedding I just don't want hairballs flying everywhere.

    What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair?

    No pitbull because my insurance has threatened to drop me if I get one. No Beligian Malinois they are too crazy. And nothing bigger than a German Shepherd please. I am fine with shedding I just don't want hairballs flying everywhere....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair?...

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    • What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair?

      What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair? Dog Breed Discussions
      No pitbull because my insurance has threatened to drop me if I get one. No Beligian Malinois they are too crazy. And nothing bigger than a German Shepherd please. I am fine with shedding I just don't want hairballs flying everywhere.

      What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair?

      What breed of dog is like a German Shepherd in characteristics but doesn't shed clumps of hair? Dog Breed Discussions
    • German Shepherds do not shed that much. If they are indoors constantly they will shed a decent amount, because they have a coat for cold weather and won't need it if indoors. They shed lightly and with most dogs once or twice a year have a small period of time where they shed a lot. Most or all dogs do that, so there is no way around that. I say go for a German Shepherd, they are loving, caring and very nice. They don't shed as much as you think they do, and if you get one and he/she does then simply brush the coat in a bath for 5 to 10 minutes and wash the hair down. Do that twice a week and it will be perfectly fine. Also try Lipiderma, it is a shampoo that removes 80% of shedding. German Shepherds don't shed much, but they shed a little, so if you want it all gone and only a few specs do what I said above. Good luck!

    • Malinois is like the shepherd, it has 2 major sheds per year.A standard poodle does not shed and is very intelligent. It can be trained like a shepherd, they will even perform protection work. Of course they do not have the same scare you to death appearance, but they certainly will bite to protect their family.