Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner?

I'm looking to get a dog in the near future. My wife wants a Maltese or a Maltipoo or some other type of hideous, "girly" dog that looks like a mop.But I've lately become interested in the Boston Terrier... I've read lots of good things about them, but…

    Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner?

    I'm looking to get a dog in the near future. My wife wants a Maltese or a Maltipoo or some other type of hideous, "girly" dog that looks like a mop.But I've lately become interested in the Boston Terrier... I've read lots of good things about them, but…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner?...

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    • Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner?

      Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm looking to get a dog in the near future. My wife wants a Maltese or a Maltipoo or some other type of hideous, "girly" dog that looks like a mop.But I've lately become interested in the Boston Terrier... I've read lots of good things about them, but she remains unconvinced because she thinks their snouts are too pug-like (and she doesn't like pugs).Could you share your personal experience with Boston Terriers if you've had one? Also, would they make good apartment dogs or partners for ~30-minute walks in a variety of weather?

      Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner?

      Is a Boston Terrier a good apartment dog and a good walking partner? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Great choice.Another compromise may be a Schnazer.Tough dog, without the shedding, my brother has two females, and they've been a great choice.They do need runs in the park, or they get fat.

    • I had a Boston Terrier while growing up. He was a very excited and fun dog. Like all terriers, they have a great deal of energy. If you don't help them get their energy out, they will find a way to release their energy in their own way. I've seen Boston Terriers that were really excited snort. So cute, but your wife may think otherwise.They are truly capable of living in an apartment, as long as you take the time to excercise with them. As far as the variety of weather is concerned, they have very short hair. He/She may need a sweater in the winter if he is to be outside for an extended amount of time.Good Luck!

    • Bostons are terriers, so they do have that terrier attitudes. Sometimes not so great with other dogs, but they are great family dogs. I do very much love the little cuties. They are great walkers cause they are energetic and athletic, more than the pugs are. They are very agile and can be good aglility canadates. They love walks and they like to play ball. They are hardy and generally healthy some will have nasal problems but just do alot of research on the breeders. They are a good size for apartments

    • My Bostie was up for anything! What a good sport.. Easy going, and full of clownish fun.WARNING! Don;t feed a Bostie any dog food with corn, beet pulp or soy in it! They are notorious for passing gas..lolNote to above. Boston terriers are listed as a non sporting breed, as they do NOT have terrier characteristics/personalities or real hunting instincts.They are grouped in AKC as terriers, despite their name. (Ours loved all dogs and cats and kids.)

    • One of my co-workers rescued one and he absolutely loves it. VERY smart! They are fine for apartments.If you and your wife plan on having children in the future, it would probably not be a good idea to get a Maltese or Maltipoo. These types of dogs tend to be "nippy" with children.For a Boston Terrier, go to can help you find the perfect one for your family!

    • I think Boston terrier's are so cute, I would like one, a female to call Sebina (no, not Sebrina). We have a Bichon Frise "Rocky", he is a cute white "mop like" dog. He is hard to keep nicely groomed, most of the time he is overgrown and matted. Just something for your wife to keep in mind about fluffy dogs. Their fur will take more care than her own hair. We get him cut really short especially in the summer when he can get really dirty.

    • Yes they are. They have lots of charater & very loyal to there families. Great with kids & other pets. They like to cuddle under the blanket with you and love to walk and be with you.Miniature pinscher are a good breed too.

    • HIOut of the short nosed dogs they have the best walking ability I have found, I own pugs and frenchies too but the boston seems to have better stamina.Lammy

    • yes they are a good walking dog but they are not a good apartment dog they need alot of space we got a poodle and it is perfect we can walk it and it don't even need a leash it will stay right beside are side and he never uses the bathroom in the house or nothing poodle's are a come dog u relly don't even hath to walk them evrey day and they got curley hair and it feels like a mop u should cheak out mop dog lol

    • First off I loved the whole "girly" dog comment! you made me laugh. O.k. well I have 3 Bostons, I have had the oldest since I was eight (now 19) There are great house dogs and would be fine in your apartment, house train it as soon as you get it! They love attention and are very curious. My dogs absolutely love to go on walks no matter the weather. People say that Bostons can't handle cold weather, but my three seem to do just fine, they love to be outside! I must say this choice of dog is a great one, and I wouldn't have three if they weren't good dogs. Your wife will like the Boston too as they are very affectionate, smart dogs... Good luck!