How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ?

My terrier bitch has been acting as though she is in labor for the past five hours. She has had a previous litter without any trouble.

    How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ?

    My terrier bitch has been acting as though she is in labor for the past five hours. She has had a previous litter without any trouble....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ?...

    • How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ?

      How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ? Dog Breed Discussions
      My terrier bitch has been acting as though she is in labor for the past five hours. She has had a previous litter without any trouble.

      How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ?

      How long should a terrier bitch be in labor ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Define "Acting as though she is in labor.Second as her reputable and knowledgeable owner and breeder you should KNOW how long a bitch should be or could be in labor since this is NOT your first litter and you of course know what you are doing because you aren't some silly byb....oh wait.IF she has been actively pushing for more than a 45- minutes to an hour with NO pup presenting you need to see the vet as she may have a pup who is too large for her to deliver, a pup who is laying transversely in junction of the uterus preventing it or any pup being delivered, or two pups trying to come down at once and neither moving for the other.If she's just been nesting as so forth 1st stage of labor can take 12-24 hours before active labor begins.After this get her spayed. She has been your puppy factory long enough.

    • After 8 hours of labor, we finally took my terrier to the hospital and she died in labor. It was one of the most horrible experiences ever. I wish I would have taken her earlier. I cried so much that day.

    • What do you mean by *acting* as though she is in labor? Is she actually having contractions for 5 hours? If so, get to the Vet now! If she is just displaying the behavior prior to contracting, don't worry too much......this could go on for a long time. What is her rectal temperature? Has it dropped? Call you Vet if you are so concerned!

    • If your pet has been having contractions for this long,you should have already notified a vet.After a dog begins labor,or starts pushing as though it is staining and hasn't expelled a pup within 45 minutes to 1 hr. a vet should be notified,as most pups are expelled within this time unless a problem exits.If Al the above is true,I would suggest you see a vet ,or you will loose your pet and all pups,as pup is odged in birth canal and too big for the Mom to pass.All pups within her will die,and so will she if a C-section isn't done right away.