We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information?

We may be getting a Boston terrier, but we aren't sure. Could you give me some information on the breed, like their temperament, what to expect, etc.?Thanks!By the way, we've never had small and/or inside dog, either.And we don't have a yard. But we have…

    We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information?

    We may be getting a Boston terrier, but we aren't sure. Could you give me some information on the breed, like their temperament, what to expect, etc.?Thanks!By the way, we've never had small and/or inside dog, either.And we don't have a yard. But we have…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information?...

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    • We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information?

      We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information? Dog Breed Discussions
      We may be getting a Boston terrier, but we aren't sure. Could you give me some information on the breed, like their temperament, what to expect, etc.?Thanks!By the way, we've never had small and/or inside dog, either.And we don't have a yard. But we have time to give it 3 walks each day, considerably long walks.

      We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information?

      We're thinking about getting a Boston terrier puppy- can you give me some information? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It is a lively, intelligent dog and a loving family pet. It does not require a lot of grooming. Groom it once every 2 days with a rubber brush. You should take it out for at least 2 15 minute walks a day, then make sure it gets 1-2 hours of rigorous exercise a day. This dog is not suitable for life without a yard. You need to feed him/her 590 calories a day, including treats, rawhide chews, and biscuits. Boston terriers tend to have bad breath, so feed them accordingly. Good luck!

    • I did some researching for you & come up with a few sites.I personally don't like the breed or any others that have the smached in face. They blow snot all over & especially in your face. I think they are cute little dogs but I don't want to own one. I like large dogs.You can also check the breeds listed with AKC.org.

    • okay these dogs are super high energy. 3 walks day are great. i had a boston before. i got it free from a bad breeder and the thing attacked me and my mom as soon as it entered the house. her name was wicker. if you get it from a good breeder, DO NOT TRUST PET STORES!, then you should be fine. if you have a large house then that is super good because then the dog is always active. burn as much energy as possible then it won't constantly be hyper. also beware the backwards sneeze. all dogs with pushed in noses have it. BT, pugs, puggles, ect. they just breathe to fast and inhale to much in their little noses. just wait and it should pass on its own. don't freak out though. also if it sleeps in your room, BT's SNORE alot!!!!!!