What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities?

Dog profiles always say this about chihuahuas but they never elaborate. For instance, it doesn't tell me which qualities it has and how unlike them "terrier-like" implies.

    What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities?

    Dog profiles always say this about chihuahuas but they never elaborate. For instance, it doesn't tell me which qualities it has and how unlike them "terrier-like" implies....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities?...

    • What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities?

      What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities? Dog Breed Discussions
      Dog profiles always say this about chihuahuas but they never elaborate. For instance, it doesn't tell me which qualities it has and how unlike them "terrier-like" implies.

      What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities?

      What does a dog profile mean when it says that a chihuahua has terrier-like qualities? Dog Breed Discussions
    • the english definition of terrier terrier , a dog that been breed to kill prey normally small prey just like most terriers unlike the Airedale terrier , they massive killing machines

    • I would say that it means feisty,playful, tenacious, and loves to burrow or dig....oh, and smart too!Terriers just want to have fun!Regarding Chihuahuas, from the AKC website- "Alert, projecting the ‘terrier-like’ attitudes of self importance, confidence, self-reliance."http://www.akc.org/breeds/chihuahua/