How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her?

I have a terrier that loves to bite and chew on your hands as you try to pet her or do anything with her. I am trying to train her and she just continues to bite. It's not a hard bite just playful. Should I muzzle her?

    How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her?

    I have a terrier that loves to bite and chew on your hands as you try to pet her or do anything with her. I am trying to train her and she just continues to bite. It's not a hard bite just playful. Should I muzzle her?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her?...

    • How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her?

      How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a terrier that loves to bite and chew on your hands as you try to pet her or do anything with her. I am trying to train her and she just continues to bite. It's not a hard bite just playful. Should I muzzle her?

      How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her?

      How do you stop a hyper terrier from biting while you are petting her? Dog Breed Discussions
    • When puppy bites say "NO" loud and demanding and stop playing with him/her.I know with my dog , he feeds off attention and love if i don't give it to him it shows him something is wrong. I know how much it can hurt though I have a cat that thinks hands are toys (much scar tissue on my hands/feet lol)

    • No, a muzzle would teach her nothing at all.When her mouth touches your skin, the play time is over. You don't scream or hit her, just stop the play, pick her up and put her in her crate. If you don't have a crate, you need to get one. Totally ignore her for a few minutes. Take her out again, be very calm, and then start to pet her gently. If she mouths you again, back in the crate and this time for a few more minutes. Eventually, she will learn that biting means the end of play time. But, you must be very consistant and NEVER allow her to bite.

    • i saw a situation like this on animal planet and what they did was say NO and walk away and not pet her. Then come back to pet her and if she does it again then Don't pet her as a punishment. you don;t have to hit her or anything like that, all you have to do is say no and don't reward her by petting her. Once she sees that you're not going to pet her when she bites, then reward her by talking in a high soft voice and give her a treat.

    • NO dont muzzel her. this is what i do with my pitbull he does the same thing. I tell him no bite and Iwont pet him till he calms down. You are teaching her that you want calm behavior for you to pet her. And alot of people tell you oh its ok no its not do not let them pet her if she is excited. I go through the same thing, tell her to sit then let them pet her. hes gettin a lil better. also when you play with her and you are done push her nose down and say calm. and if she tries to bite you again dont pet her until shes calm. She'll get it! GOOD LUCK!!