How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door?

My yorkie terrier(Zach) loves everyone! Whenever someone comes to the door, he believes it's for him. He doesn't attack people, but he likes to jump on them and lick them to death. Not everyone is a dog person. Any tips on training him to sit calmly when…

    How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door?

    My yorkie terrier(Zach) loves everyone! Whenever someone comes to the door, he believes it's for him. He doesn't attack people, but he likes to jump on them and lick them to death. Not everyone is a dog person. Any tips on training him to sit calmly when…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door?...

    • How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door?

      How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door? Dog Breed Discussions
      My yorkie terrier(Zach) loves everyone! Whenever someone comes to the door, he believes it's for him. He doesn't attack people, but he likes to jump on them and lick them to death. Not everyone is a dog person. Any tips on training him to sit calmly when someone comes to the door, and to not invade anyone's bubble until they accept him, if they do? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

      How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door?

      How would you train a 13-month old yorkshire terrier to calm down his excitement when people come in the door? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Jumping is rewarding to a dog, even if he's jumping on a not-dog person. They will still touch him, to push him off, and talk to him, even if it's not as nice as he thinks it is. But, he's going to keep wanting to do it right, because there's a reward in it for him. Step one may be to start training some tricks into him. Give him something else to do for the reward: even a sit-stay is a trick. You can get fancy and get him to shake hands with your guests, do a little dance on his hind legs, or take a bow for them. -Tricks are also a fun ice breaker for people that have never been around dogs, or generally do not enjoy them. Not-dog people see a dog that does tricks as a much friendlier dog. Get a volunteer, and have them knock on your door. Once you have the dog sitting (put a leash on him too, and keep your foot on the leash so he doens't escape), let your volunteer in. When Zach gets up and jumps, have your volunteer do nothing but walk right back out the door. No talking, no touching. Totally ignoring him makes the jumping game no fun anymore. Practice, practice, and practice with treats, and Zach will soon learn that sitting and offering his paw for a shake is treat worthy and his new friend gets to stay, and lunging and jumping on the guest is only going to leave him lonely. If you know there is going to be lots of company, you may want to put him behind a baby gate or in a dog kennel until everyone has been in the house for a while. The excitement we feel when we get with friends will spark excitement in him (which turns to annoyance for us humans), but once we have all calmed down, it is likely he has too. A long walk the morning of these days will also wear him out.

    • My dog does da same thing, shes a 3yr old pitbull, shes very friendly but most people assume shes violent bcuz she barks loudly and runs to them (and since shes a pitbull). Just warn people that hes around and try not to pay him attention wen he does this (neither you or the overly welcomed guess) sometimes this works for our family. you could also keep him in a different room until you calm him down, bcuz unless you beat him (im NOT suggesting this - I HATE animal abuse and LOVE animals), unfortunately this is a habit dogs seem hard to dropHope i helped at least a little bit =)