What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier?

We're looking to get another dog to add to our family. We'd just like to make sure this dog (medium sized preferably) will get along with our beloved Jack Russell Terrier who's getting old now. Those of you who know JR Terriers or who have some…

    What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier?

    We're looking to get another dog to add to our family. We'd just like to make sure this dog (medium sized preferably) will get along with our beloved Jack Russell Terrier who's getting old now. Those of you who know JR Terriers or who have some…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier?...

    • What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier?

      What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      We're looking to get another dog to add to our family. We'd just like to make sure this dog (medium sized preferably) will get along with our beloved Jack Russell Terrier who's getting old now. Those of you who know JR Terriers or who have some experience with this or ideas would greatly help. THanks!

      What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier?

      What kinds of dogs can get along with and live peacefully with a 12-year old Jack Russell Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would say an older black lab, maybe 4 or 5! Labs are such fun loving and sweet dogs and interact really well with all breeds of other dogs. They even become protective of their peer dogs. You'd never have to worry about a lab hurting the 12 year old Jack Russell Terrier. But let your terrier visit with the animal before you take it home to make sure there's a bond. Best of luck to you. I wouldn't have anything but labs.

    • it wont work unless your dog is good with other dogs.. NOT a puppy - it will be too hard to keep them from eating each others food.. your 12 yr old requires senior food and the pup will need puppy food...I would suggest another similiar dog no younger than 5 yrs old.. or wait till this guys days are up - its unfair to bring a new one into a home with an older settled dog..

    • It's not the breed of dog but their personalities. All kinds of different dogs can get along. Your best bet would be to take him with you to the animal shelter to picki out a new dog and that way you can see how he gets along with the dog you've picked out as potential new animal companion.

    • Myself, I have one of the largest dogs, a St Bernard. Our neighbor has a Jack Russell terrier and a St Bernard. I know they are not small or medium sized, but I would have to say that a St Bernard would be the perfect addition to your family. Our dog runs along the fence trying to keep up with their JR. We also have 3 cats. Our dog doesn't even bother them. Actually, they hit him as he is walking by them when they are sitting on a chair. Saints are the most easy going dogs I have ever met. We take him to the dog park, he loves playing with the little dogs most of all. He'll lay down and let them run all over him. One of our friends has a Chug (Chihuahua and Pug mix). It is still a tiny little puppy. Our dog had fun run and trying to keep up with him. Enough about my dog. In answer to your question, I think a St Bernard would be a perfect fit for your family.

    • It depends a lot on how your JR is with other dogs now. If he's always been an "only" dog, he may resent a new arrival. If he hates other dogs and is spoiling for a fight, best to wait until he's gone on to doggie heaven before you get another dog.The softest, least aggressive dogs are the female sporting dogs (except for Weimaraners). English Springer Spaniels are great - they need some grooming, but are easy to train, sweet and a lot of fun. But they do need regular exercise.Find a good breeder referral by going to www.akc.org or talking to people at dog shows. http://www.akc.org/breeds/english_springer_spaniel/index.cfmhttp://www.akc.org/breederinfo/breeder_search.cfmYou can also find info about the breed clubs on the akc site - they have a rescue group where you can get an older dog for less money. http://www.akc.org/breeds/rescue.cfmI've had Shetland Sheepdogs, a Borzoi and some other breeds with my terriers. The important thing is to lead you pack properly and don't let any of the "kids" pick on each other.

    • You need to have a younger, and opposite sex. With older dogs who have an established household, younger and opposite sex won't fight them for their position in the household as bad as the same sex.Puppies are not always the best choice- too much energy for an older dog who likes their quiet house. Try age 3-5 for a good fit.