What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier?

We are looking to get a companion for our 1 year old male Patterdale Terrier, Conan. He is very lively and loves long walks. He can be a handful with other dogs as he jumps all over them - extremely friendly though and loves to play play play!!!We are…

    What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier?

    We are looking to get a companion for our 1 year old male Patterdale Terrier, Conan. He is very lively and loves long walks. He can be a handful with other dogs as he jumps all over them - extremely friendly though and loves to play play play!!!We are…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier?...

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    • What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier?

      What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      We are looking to get a companion for our 1 year old male Patterdale Terrier, Conan. He is very lively and loves long walks. He can be a handful with other dogs as he jumps all over them - extremely friendly though and loves to play play play!!!We are unsure what breed of dog to get and would like some advice. Also is a male dog or a female dog best with a male dog?

      What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier?

      What other breed of dog suits a Patterdale Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • jack-russell terrier, they look around the same height or a westie terrier there really cute. or a golden doodle. there all friendly dogs, and if you get it when its a puppy then i wouldn't matter with sexes. but if not i would go with female dog.

    • I always prefer to have two of the same breed to be honest. Both from a compatible temperament point of view, and when it comes to walking them together (think about that one, I know from experience ... Basset and Whippet!). I do have concerned about whether two terriers together might not work, but if you get a female (and have her spayed obviously) that should work out fine. And a male and a female is usually the best combination although depending on how strong you are, it's possible to keep two boys together (although perhaps NOT terriers) or two bitches, as we have always had, at least two!! You might, if you don't want another Patterdale, look to the gundogs, who are also all go - perhaps a Lab.?If you like, you could rescue one, but please, please stay away from these designer dogs!!! These are a high-priced scam.