Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.?

I currently have a 8 month old male Bull Terrier puppy. He is extremely energetic and gets bored while we're at work. Would introducing a female puppy to the house work with him? I would love for him to have a playmate but I don't want to cause any…

    Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.?

    I currently have a 8 month old male Bull Terrier puppy. He is extremely energetic and gets bored while we're at work. Would introducing a female puppy to the house work with him? I would love for him to have a playmate but I don't want to cause any…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.?...

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    • Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.?

      Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.? Dog Breed Discussions
      I currently have a 8 month old male Bull Terrier puppy. He is extremely energetic and gets bored while we're at work. Would introducing a female puppy to the house work with him? I would love for him to have a playmate but I don't want to cause any dominance issues or return home to find one of them injured from fighting. Any experience with this would be greatly appreciated.

      Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.?

      Is it okay to introduce a female Bull Terrier into our home? We have a male puppy already.? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I wouldn't do it until he is more mature and neutured (if he isnt already). Two dogs need to be introduced in a controlled way and having two adolesents left alone all day will cause you a lot of grief.

    • It would be better to wait until he is a bit older. A female and male would work very well together. Please don't consider neutering him before he is fully grown and gone completely through puberty which he is now entering. If you are working full time how will you house train a new puppy? and how will you train both dogs? They will be company for each other without a doubt but instead of looking to you to lead them they will bond with each other and you will find yourself excluded from this little 'puppy party' until, of course it is meal time. They will then look to you as only a provider of food. Also, it would be dangerous to leave a young puppy with an 8 month old. He could seriously damage or even kill her in rough unsupervised play. If you are considering a friend for him it would be better to get an older male/female who would at least teach him some manners and keep him in his place. Good luck whatever you decide.