What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis?

What condition would cause a 4 year old terrier to present with a sudden (within 3 days onset) inability to close the mouth or swallow, listlessness, front leg bilateral paralysis, and depressed respiratory rate?

    What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis?

    What condition would cause a 4 year old terrier to present with a sudden (within 3 days onset) inability to close the mouth or swallow, listlessness, front leg bilateral paralysis, and depressed respiratory rate?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis?...

    • What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis?

      What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis? Dog Breed Discussions
      What condition would cause a 4 year old terrier to present with a sudden (within 3 days onset) inability to close the mouth or swallow, listlessness, front leg bilateral paralysis, and depressed respiratory rate?

      What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis?

      What condition would cause a terrier to present with an inability to swallow and front limb paralysis? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Nerve damage can cause those symptoms. Has he been injured?Here is an article if you are curious: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+2091&aid=428You can find diagrams online of the nerves that run along the brain stem. These nerves each have different functions. The vagus nerve is what controls swallowing.I learned about the cranial nerves some time ago. This information is correct for humans, may be somewhat different for dogs.