Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier?

We would like to get another puppy and currently own a skye terrier. Of course we would give our current dog the same amount of attention as the new puppy so he doesn't feel like he's being replaced. Is this possible or will he become hostile towards the…

    Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier?

    We would like to get another puppy and currently own a skye terrier. Of course we would give our current dog the same amount of attention as the new puppy so he doesn't feel like he's being replaced. Is this possible or will he become hostile towards the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier?...

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    • Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier?

      Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      We would like to get another puppy and currently own a skye terrier. Of course we would give our current dog the same amount of attention as the new puppy so he doesn't feel like he's being replaced. Is this possible or will he become hostile towards the puppy?My dog is the friendliest dog I know. I have never seen him harm another dog besides the time when he was defending me from our neighbors dog who was growling and snapping at me. Another time our good friends brought their dog to our house and Duffy was very hostile towards it. But, my other neighbor's dog came over to our house and came inside and Duffy was quite friendly. It's hard to expect what he will do.

      Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier?

      Can I get a new puppy if I currently own a skye terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Are you crazy? Puppies take so much work. A foster dog or rescue dog comes pretty much trained and ready to love. And you can't tell me that the dog does not love you even more for saving his life. They're throwing away perfectly good dogs, don't encourage puppymills!

    • It truthfully all depends on how you handle the situation. First, make sure they are slowly introduced to each other. It is best to introduec them in a neutral territory. So, take your dog out of the home to introduce them.Then, make sure that you reinforce the dominance of you skye terrier. Make sure that you always greet him first, feed him first, and praise him when he is tolerant of the pup. In this way, you will reinforce to the puppy that he is the "new" member of the pack and should respect your skye terrier.Also, make sure that you are around to supervise play time between the two until you are completely confident that they will get along.Good luck!

    • each dog is different - of course you can get a new pup - your old one may love him to bits. when you go to 'look at' your new one, take the dog you have now and introduce him and see if you see any jealous triats come out? Once home he may love him and protect him like a mum....

    • Slowly introduce the terrier to the puppy. Never leave them together unsupervised. At first the terrier may be a little aggressive, but if he is good with other dogs, he should not hurt the puppy. If he is not well socialized, watch carefully for too much aggression. When you are playing with the puppy, you might want to include the terrier, but, at first, when you are playing with the terrier or feeding him, keep the puppy away, until you can predict what the terrier will do.After a few months, they should play together.Yuo might take the terrier with you as you look at puppies, just to see the response. Plus it will help to expose the terrier to new dogs.