I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family?

I really want a terrier. My dad wants an Airedale Terrier, but my mom thinks that they are too big. Which terrier makes the best pet? I want a Border Terrier or Cairn Terrier. I heard that Cairn's have a lot of health problems. Is that true? Thanks…

    I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family?

    I really want a terrier. My dad wants an Airedale Terrier, but my mom thinks that they are too big. Which terrier makes the best pet? I want a Border Terrier or Cairn Terrier. I heard that Cairn's have a lot of health problems. Is that true? Thanks…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family?...

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    • I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family?

      I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family? Dog Breed Discussions
      I really want a terrier. My dad wants an Airedale Terrier, but my mom thinks that they are too big. Which terrier makes the best pet? I want a Border Terrier or Cairn Terrier. I heard that Cairn's have a lot of health problems. Is that true? Thanks for helping!

      I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family?

      I have a question about terriers. What would you consider the best terrier for my family? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have 2 Cairn Terriers! They are a very friendly and just overall loving. I've had about five and my mother used to breed them. Right now we have our oldest female who is an Alpha female and she tries to "defend the family" when she sees things things she doesn't like and she is very motherly to all of our pets(our cats and her puppy). She is very cuddly with everyone and is very obedient. She is about five years old and she hasn't had any health problems, none of our Cairns have had health problems.

    • Cairn's can have health problems, you need to ensure that you purchase from a reputable breeder, and that there is no known health problems(such as eye problems, hip dysplasia) in the bloodline of the parents. And ensure that the breeder gives you a health guarantee.Because of their size, a lot of small terriers are being over bred by puppy mills, taking advantage of people that want the small accessory dogs.Your best dog depends on what you want from the dog. How many hours are you willing to groom them? What type of exercise are you willing to commit to? What type of temperment do you want? A dog that will be a lap dog, or one that you must entertain?There are a lot of questions to ask before deciding on a dog. Just because one is cute, doesn't mean that it will meet your needs.

    • While it's true the Cairn Terrier has several health problems, a Border Terror tends to get genetic health problems. Border Terriers have to be stimulated all the time. Cairn Terriers on the other hand are a great family dog due to their intelligence, strength, and loyalty. An Airedale Terrier are a big dog, but they are extremely loving, and protective of their family. They are extremely loyal dogs that are quite strong for their size. They are very energetic and need to get out for more than two walks a day.I would suggest either a Cairn or Border Terrier, but it's up to you. If you do get a Airedale Terrier make sure you have enough time to meet it's exercise requirements.

    • The only and i say only reason that cairn's have health problems is because if you don't give them a daily routine of exercise, they'll get lazy and will only want to lay around and the food that you feed them can take affect too. That happened to my cairn but I made him get up and go outside instead of staying in his kennel and made a daily plan of exercise for him. I also feed him fruit and veggies such as carrots, peaches (hard not soft) and apples, it will have the same affect on them that it does with humans. Cairn's are the sweetest little things, and once you see one you will literally fall in love. I promise you. I'm not very sure about border terriers but they are also fearless like cairn's. Although, they are not rodent catchers. Cairn terriers are. However no matter what breed a dog is, you will fall in love with them. :]