How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again?

My friend has a 7-month bull terrier, the dog and I were getting along til one day he saw me taking his bowl to refill it, tried to bit me and now he sees me like an intruder. I cant get near him. He doesnt like me any more <img src="" alt=":(" />

    How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again?

    My friend has a 7-month bull terrier, the dog and I were getting along til one day he saw me taking his bowl to refill it, tried to bit me and now he sees me like an intruder. I cant get near him. He doesnt like me any more <img src="" alt=":(" />...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again?...

    • How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again?

      How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again? Dog Breed Discussions
      My friend has a 7-month bull terrier, the dog and I were getting along til one day he saw me taking his bowl to refill it, tried to bit me and now he sees me like an intruder. I cant get near him. He doesnt like me any more :(

      How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again?

      How can I make a Bull Terrier trust me again? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Try feeding him from your hand and praising him. Eventually when he starts seeing you as positive. Then start to go to his bowl and not pick it up but place food in it. Like a treat something he will notice before your hand gets to the bowl so he is expecting you to give it to him and not take away his bowl. It will take time for him to trust you. Your friend should consider enrollling him in a dog training course, you should be able to take his bowl away and there shouldnt be any trouble (food agression can turn into greater behavioral issues)

    • That's not your issue to deal with. If the dog is food aggressive or possessive, that's an issue your friend needs to handle right away. It can spiral out of control and cause a big problem if it goes untreated. Your friend should contact a trainer immediately.

    • Firstly this dog is resourse guarding, (guarding food/water toys) it will start to do this to everyone, you kids your friend etc, this problem is not going to go away it will simply get worse and needs to be dealt with now before someone gets seriously injured.Your friend needs to seek help from a dog trainer/behaviorist and the best thing you can do for now is to completely ignore the dog and he will eventually come round to you again but avoid eating around him etc for now until your friend gets professional help for this behavioral problem.Rest assured you have done nothing wrong, at 7 months old his hormones are kicking in too making this problem worse, this is not a dog that should be bred from as resourse guarding is an inherited fault so your friend should have him neutered ASAPIts not enough to think this problem can be cured by keeping away while he is eating, this problem will get out of control as dogs prone to this eventually see all food as their own and if a child walks past while eating an ice cream the dog will lunge for "his food" with tragic consiquenses.This is a curable problem but your friend needs to act now to work on this and prevent future heartache

    • i had the exact problem, but thankfully, most bull terriers are quite "mentally incapable" so they are easy to forgive and forget. okay what i done was i got some biscuits (not chocolate of course because it's like poison) and went near him (he was chained up to the fence) and threw a biscuit on the floor so he ate it. then i kept doing it for a few days until he eventually seen me as a friendly person. after that we were normal.

    • The dog is just showing suspicion because you took his food bowl and now he thinks you might "steal'' it again. The best thing to do is give him time and let the pup come to you and tell that owner to show his do a few manners.

    • The dog has bigger issues than trusting you.. The dog should have been taught not to be food / bowl aggressive. This has nothing to do with trusting you, this is lack of training, lack of correcting inappropriate behaviour.

    • Try to give him a bowl of food without him knowing that you have it. That may help. Or offer him some treats or baby carrots. Food usually wins there hearts!!

    • Throw treats on the ground when you walk in the door and he comes over to you.Do this for a while every time you come over and the dog will start to associate you with good things. Your friend should have disciplined the dog more. Its also probably partly because he's a terrier, they can be very nasty when it comes to possesiveness. This, coupled with incorrect handling can make a horrible dog.Your friend should not allow the dog to display aggressive behaviour to you at all. When he does, he should be sharply corrected (BY HIS HANDLER!) But anyway, try the food thing I said above.Good luckEDIT: You don't need a dog behaviouralist as someone said, its not a major problem, your friend just needs to have some sense and learn how to train dogs properly. Try and for starters.