Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier?

I've just gotten a Toy Fox Terrier puppy. I would like to know if it can jog with me after its reached full-size / adulthood. I'm only talking about doing a light one mile jog but as he'll only be around 7 lbs as an adult I wouldn't want to push him…

    Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier?

    I've just gotten a Toy Fox Terrier puppy. I would like to know if it can jog with me after its reached full-size / adulthood. I'm only talking about doing a light one mile jog but as he'll only be around 7 lbs as an adult I wouldn't want to push him…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier?...

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    • Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier?

      Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      I've just gotten a Toy Fox Terrier puppy. I would like to know if it can jog with me after its reached full-size / adulthood. I'm only talking about doing a light one mile jog but as he'll only be around 7 lbs as an adult I wouldn't want to push him beyond what is healthy. Does anyone jog with their TFT or dog that is less than 10 lbs?

      Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier?

      Can I go jogging with a Toy Fox Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Every dog needs at least a little bit of exercise. A light jog of a mile would be no problem, even for a dog that small, so yes, I would jog him. Just make sure he's not breathing super hard.

    • 1 mile might be a bit much but you can still def jog with him...just take him out running if he slows down or lays down hes to tired and you need to let him rest for a bit. bring some water and have fun. good for you for wanting to treat your dog like a dog:)

    • I believe you can jog it, as long as you don't push your Toy Fox Terrier too hard. If he's absolutely healthy, I think you can. But if you see that he's really exhausted, don't force him to continue.