What are some good names for my boston terrier?

I'm fostering a 5 year old Boston Terrier with heart worms. I was told when I got him that I would have to find a name for him because they were not told his name when they got him. I've had a few names in mind but I would like to have some suggestions…

    What are some good names for my boston terrier?

    I'm fostering a 5 year old Boston Terrier with heart worms. I was told when I got him that I would have to find a name for him because they were not told his name when they got him. I've had a few names in mind but I would like to have some suggestions…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are some good names for my boston terrier?...

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    • What are some good names for my boston terrier?

      What are some good names for my boston terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm fostering a 5 year old Boston Terrier with heart worms. I was told when I got him that I would have to find a name for him because they were not told his name when they got him. I've had a few names in mind but I would like to have some suggestions for it. He cant play any or exercise much because of the heart worms so i don't really know his personality, but I just need a name that would suit a Boston Terrier.

      What are some good names for my boston terrier?

      What are some good names for my boston terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There is no name that is perfect by breed. Personality is not just defined by how he plays or exercises. Try getting a feel for how he behaves whether its how he responds to certain things like the mail man or a bird or which dog treats are his favorite. If that doesn't work you you could always try giving him a look over and naming him because of his fur pattern or quirky looks. If that doesn't work for you, most people name their Boston Terriers an Irish name because most Bostonian people are of Irish decent. Maybe this website can help: http://dogs.suite101.com/article.cfm/unique_dog_names_for_boston_terrier_puppies