Can you give me some information on a rat terrier?

My husband and I four days ago got a two year old rat terrier, he's the most loving dog we have ever owned but also seems particularly jealous. We have a twenty month old son, and when I try and play with him the dog will jump up and bite at me. Like…

    Can you give me some information on a rat terrier?

    My husband and I four days ago got a two year old rat terrier, he's the most loving dog we have ever owned but also seems particularly jealous. We have a twenty month old son, and when I try and play with him the dog will jump up and bite at me. Like…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can you give me some information on a rat terrier?...

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    • Can you give me some information on a rat terrier?

      Can you give me some information on a rat terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      My husband and I four days ago got a two year old rat terrier, he's the most loving dog we have ever owned but also seems particularly jealous. We have a twenty month old son, and when I try and play with him the dog will jump up and bite at me. Like when I chase my son around he jumps up and bites at me and growls and barks. Is this normal behavior? Also he loves to beg while we are eating, how do you break that behavior.

      Can you give me some information on a rat terrier?

      Can you give me some information on a rat terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The Rat Terrier is an intelligent, alert and loving dog. Very inquisitive and lively. This affectionate dog makes an excellent companion for those who will enjoy an energetic dog. They are good with children, especially if they are raised with them from puppyhood. They are fairly territorial, and for the most part friendly with strangers. Rat Terriers make good watchdogs. These dogs are quick and very playful and are not yappers. The temperament of these dogs is pure terrier. The lively, feisty, fearless nature can be found in the best of terriers. They are eager to please and respond and pick training up faster than most dogs. The Rat terrier is a very well mannered, well rounded dog. They are easy to train and very eager to learn and to please their owner. They love to go with you and to do what you do. They are also very good swimmers, not bashful or afraid and have no problem with the water. They make good farm dogs as well as excellent family dogs for pets and companionship. This hardy dog is used for hunting expeditions as well as terrier work. They are easy adjusted as mature dogs into families with or without children.The Rat Terrier comes in three different sizes.Standard: Height 14-23 inches (35½-58½ cm.)Standard: Weight 12-35 pounds (5½-16 kg.)Mid-sized: Height 8-14 inches (20-35½ cm.)Mid-sized: Weight 6-8 pounds (3-3½ kg.)Toy-Height: 8 inches (20 cm.)Toy-Weight: 4-6 pounds (2-3 kg.)Rat Terriers will do ok in an apartment so long as they get at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day. They are fairly active indoors and should have at least a small to medium sized yard. Rat Terriers love to dig, and they can get out of a fenced yard relatively easily. Provided they have the proper protection, they are able to spend a good amount of time outdoors. They love to be inside the house and outside to play.The Rat Terrier is easy to groom. An occasional combing and brushing to remove dead hair is all it needs.

    • Is the dog actually biting you? If he is biting you, this is very unacceptable behavior. I would seek some advice from a trainer (unless one on here happens to answer!) about the barking and biting when you are playing with your son...because what if he bites at your son? I would understand if he was getting excited wanting to play, but it does not sound as if he is trying to intiate play and he may think that you are trying to actually hurt your son is why he is acting that way.As far as the begging, I'm going to assume it is when your family eats at the table. Everytime you sit down to eat, get a handful of treats or kibble to set at the table with you and every once in awhile toss one across the room. It will register to him that if he sits across the room while you are eating, the treats will come there. Make sure you are consistent with this, but he will pick up on it and make your meal much more enjoyable.

    • Good for you for rescuing a mature dog!! He is trying to decide who is in charge and is displaying protective behaviours - this is perfectly normal for a terrier but he has to learn that it is not acceptable to bite and play rough. He needs to be well socialized with your son (supervised carefully) and should probably be put in another room or crate for the first few weeks during play time until he learns you are in charge. They see play as a chance to establish themselves as alpha so make sure you are firmly in control before he is allowed to join the play. Breaking the habit of begging is just going to be patience and persistence as well - again he is trying to see who is in charge - tell him no firmly and then ignore him. If it really bothers you or he begins to bark or become more obnoxious, put him in another room and close the door. These are loyal, fun, loving dogs and once he has adapted, you will love him and he will be a great companion for your son as they grow older together!

    • I could cut and paste and answer like the other person did, or I can tell you from personal experience.I have a 7 year old Rat Terrier, he's a small one. His name is Memphis.When anyone in our house "rough houses", he barks and jumps at us. He wants to get in on the game. Usually his "bites" are just mouthing us, occasionally he get a bit too rough and pinches hard.If yours is actually biting, then he needs more training.I have found Rats are talkers and very vocal. Ours growls when he likes things as well as when he's unhappy. It's hard to tell, you just kind of learn over time, their language.Memphis will follow anyone around who has food, he stays in the kitchen at meal times, in case you drop something. Make sure you don't drop baking chocolate, onions, garlic, or any of the other no no foods. You are not faster than the dog!! I can honestly say there is NO food on my floor, DIRT is another matter entirely.When we sit down to eat he is under the table, usually at the feet of the most sloppy eater.You could put him in his crate at meal times.They also love to chase rabbits and squirrels, ours even chased a shrew that go in the house.If you need more info. click on my icon, and email me.I hope this helps.

    • being jealous of your 20 month old son, is possibly normal, yet could be dangerous, for you and your son !!... the dog seems jealous of your attention to your son, and that is not good !! i would check with a dog trainer or veterinarian, about how to safeguard your son, from the dog's jealous behavior !!...the way to stop the dog from begging, while you are eating, is to put him in another room, or outside, or somewhere else, since he cannot seem to behave, while you are eating !!! i have a JRTerrier, which i am told, are very similar to Rat Terriers, yet i have no small children at home !!...even though your dog is two years old, he could probably become a better dog and citizen, with a Basic Dog Obedience Course, especially since he is a Terrier, which seem to be high energy dogs, not hyper !! check with your local PetSmart or Petco, or local Junior Colleges, for Obedience classes, which will make any dog, a better member of the household !!! good luck to y'all, and best wishes from Fort Worth, TX, USA !!!