What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier?

We are getting a new dog and we are trying to decide if he is a Rat Terrier or a Manchester Terrier.

    What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier?

    We are getting a new dog and we are trying to decide if he is a Rat Terrier or a Manchester Terrier....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier?...

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    • What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier?

      What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
      We are getting a new dog and we are trying to decide if he is a Rat Terrier or a Manchester Terrier.

      What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier?

      What is the difference between a Rat Terrier and a Manchester Terrier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Well i have a Manchester Terrier and i believe its a wonderful breed(: they are very loyal and learn quickly(very smart) if you have a medium sized backyard then walking all the time wouldnt be necessary but they are built for speed. they do tend to really attach themselves to one or two people of the family.(they devote themselves to family) they are a good family pet but they are bred to kill rodents so if you have things of that sort socialize it with the dog early. i had a Guinea Pig and Summer didnt eat him because i taught her not too lol.(she does chase squirrels outside and has caught a few it was gross) potty training for us was smooth because we had a doggie door installed so she just gets up in the middle of the night or whenever to do her business and no one else in the house is disterbed at all and there is need for a schedual. i really do love this breed. :D Summer is six now but still acts like a playful puppy its so cute.!

    • What color is the dog? Manchesters can only be black and tan. http://www.akc.org/breeds/manchester_terrier/http://www.akc.org/breeds/rat_terrier/These are the breeds standards. Read through them and find out which better describes the dog.