Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States?

I am looking for a standard bull terrier and have come to find out they are relatively rare. Does anyone have feedback or links for any well recognized breeders? Thanks a lot!

    Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States?

    I am looking for a standard bull terrier and have come to find out they are relatively rare. Does anyone have feedback or links for any well recognized breeders? Thanks a lot!...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States?...

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    • Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States?

      Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am looking for a standard bull terrier and have come to find out they are relatively rare. Does anyone have feedback or links for any well recognized breeders? Thanks a lot!

      Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States?

      Who is the best quality English Bull Terrier Breeder in the United States? Dog Breed Discussions
    • go to kijiji.com find your city search dogs type in bull terrier and go to left side of screen and press registered breeders and if there are any pupps avaible it will let u know

    • Please see www.btca.com for a list of reputable breeders. Do not buy off the Internet or a pet store- these are not good sources and can be puppy mills. Please also consider clicking on the link at the top for Rescue at www.btca.com.We have even more bull terriers available than you see on the site. These are purebred bull terriers- abandoned, strays, owner surrenders - which we evaluate and adopt. Please read about the breed to be sure you have the time, money and environment to care for a bull terrier. hope this helps!