is there any way to potty train my basset hound?

i have a 6 month old basset hound and she is brand new to our house but shedoes have a problem with going to the bathroom is there any way to easily potty train her?

    is there any way to potty train my basset hound?

    i have a 6 month old basset hound and she is brand new to our house but shedoes have a problem with going to the bathroom is there any way to easily potty train her?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : is there any way to potty train my basset hound?...

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    • is there any way to potty train my basset hound?

      is there any way to potty train my basset hound? Dog Breed Discussions
      i have a 6 month old basset hound and she is brand new to our house but shedoes have a problem with going to the bathroom is there any way to easily potty train her?

      is there any way to potty train my basset hound?

      is there any way to potty train my basset hound? Dog Breed Discussions
    • yes!You have to get into a routine. Some dogs poop in the morning before they eat, some after, some in the evening. They can pee just about anytime, esp if they smell it from before. SO here's the hard part. Take her outside, tell her "go potty" and she will...eventually, and say "go potty" when she's doing it, and then "Good girl" and give her a treat! Pretty soon, she'll realize when you say "do you have to go potty", she wants to go outside to do the deed and then get a treat. You dont ahve to give a treat everytime from then on, just in the beginning. My dog can literally pee on command when I say "potty". It's pretty sad that I'm outside saying "potty", but hey, it works.

    • I had a 6 mo old peekapoo (Pekingese poodle) given to me. I bought a remote control shock collar. He doesn't bark for hours anymore or $h!t in the house. We have him in the kennel at night. When he starts barking and making havoc then **SHOCK** and he is quite all night long

    • Any dog can be housetrained. You need to (IMO) crate train her and get her on a schedule ... if I were you I would go to Petco and buy a housetraining book. With patience and knowledge she can soon be completely housebroken!

    • I suggest you get an empty soda can and put pennies in it, when your basset hound starts to go to the bathroom, shake the can and then when she stops from being startled pick her up and put her outside. It also takes longer to potty train female dogs. Keep a close eye on her to make sure you catch her in the act and have the can ready at all times. Good Luck!

    • If you want to house train her, then I can help. You can go to any pet supply store such as Pet Co or Pets Mart, and purchase Puppy Pads. The best brand is Nature's Miracle, except they are a little pricey. You also need to purchase, I don't know what it is called, but it's this little jar, really tiny, with an eye dropper as a lid. The smell is supposed to remind the dog of urine. When you get home, lay out a pad where you want your dog to pee. Then drop a VERY tiny drop of that stuff onto that pad. VERY tiny because it's a strong, and unplesant stench. Your dog will pee there soon. And place a new pad there when that one is filthy or it just smells bad. Keep doing that with the dropplets and pad, until your dog is very familiar with the place. When he/she is, you don't need to put that droplet anymore, just the pad, and to replace it when necessary. I hope this helps!