Would a Basset Hound be good for my family?

I'm a mom of two children; a very responsible 14 year old daughter and a slightly immature 12 year old son. We have a 2 year old Labrador x Boxer who was trained very well by myself and my daughter. My daughter recently started asking for a Basset Hound…

    Would a Basset Hound be good for my family?

    I'm a mom of two children; a very responsible 14 year old daughter and a slightly immature 12 year old son. We have a 2 year old Labrador x Boxer who was trained very well by myself and my daughter. My daughter recently started asking for a Basset Hound…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Would a Basset Hound be good for my family?...

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    • Would a Basset Hound be good for my family?

      Would a Basset Hound be good for my family? Dog Breed Discussions
      I'm a mom of two children; a very responsible 14 year old daughter and a slightly immature 12 year old son. We have a 2 year old Labrador x Boxer who was trained very well by myself and my daughter. My daughter recently started asking for a Basset Hound puppy of her own. I don't really like their stumpy feet but my daughter loves the hound look. I was wondering if a Basset Hound would fit my family/schedule.1. I work shift work so I haven't got much time to spend with the dogs but my children and husband make up for that.2. We are getting a steady income to financially support two dogs.3. My daughter is very committed to raising a puppy, with a little bit of help from her parents.4. My children take Freddy for 2 walks nearly everyday. Once after school for an hour and then after dinner for 40 minutes.5. The dog will be without human companionship for a VERY MAXIMUM of 3 hours but will always have cats and another dog to play with.6. I have a large, fenced backyard.7. We are very happy to work with a stubborn breed like a Basset Hound to train him properly.I'm just a bit conserned about their health. Does anybody know if there are any known genetic health problems with Bassets? We adopted Freddy when he was 4 months old but we would like to get our new pup from a good breeder. We just want to know what type of health screening is usually done so that we can ask the breeder if they test for those problems. We want to make sure we have a healthy and happy family pet.

      Would a Basset Hound be good for my family?

      Would a Basset Hound be good for my family? Dog Breed Discussions
    • From what you say, then a Basset Hound would be a good family dog. They do need lots of attention - and providing your daughter is prepared to give it - then go ahead.

    • Well guess what would be the answer.Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I have only known a few bassets, but what I have seen is that they are really sweet dogs, albeit a little whiney at times. I would say go for it, but never excuse the idea of the great wiener dog! (dachsund). I have 3 and love em' to death!

    • By the sound of it, your family is an ideal living arrangement for a Basset. They are beautiful dogs with a very nice temperament. I haven't met too many Basset's but I have seen a lot at a couple of dog shows that I have been to recently. Basset's don't have any genetic health problems but you should probably take a look at the Basset Hound Club of America to read up on health and general care as their ears and back need special attention and care. I would suggest going to a dog show and try to find a good breeder there. They will give you as much information and help that you need; providing they aren't too busy with the grooming of their dogs - it can get pretty hectic before their dog enters the ring!

    • Firstly, congrats - sounds like you guys are great owners!be prepared for the basset hound though - they are extremely stubborn and very hard to train properly. this is not because they are dumb, they are simple run on instinct - mostly their nose. one sniff of anything and youll lose control.make sure your daughter is well aware of this, and perhaps direct her to the AKC webpage (www.akc.org) to look for other easier to train dogs before she totally makes up her mind.otherwise if you are willing to put up with it, there are a few problems bassets have - but most breeds have a couple of problems of their own, so dont let these stop you buying one.there are to many to mention here, but check out this site, it names the most common problems that bassets have - http://www.basset-bhca.org/Finding/Discover8.htmthe four most common problems are -1. if you have lots of stairs in your house or live in a two story house, a basset hound is not the breed for you. stairs and jumping can cause serious permanent problems for this breed.2. eye problems (most can be corrected with surgery)3. obesity - basset hounds are susceptable to it more than other breeds, and it can cause multiple, very serious health problems for them - dont let them get fat.4. genetic blood disorders (multiple types - around 20% of all bassets have at least one.. make sure you go to a good breeder who will give you proof that the parents are blood problem free).

    • I rescue Bloodhounds which are pretty much Bassets on stilts. You sound like you have really thought this one out. Bassets are not for everyone, but definitely for you.The fence is fantastic for scent hounds.Bassets do have health issues. Back problems are common, as are legs. Eyes have things like cherry eye and entopian. You really have to pay close attention to the ears. Daily cleaning is very important and they are prone to infection. I'm not sure what your other dog is, but go with the opposite sex. With hounds, your female is the pack leader.I think hounds in general make fantastic family dogs. Obedience training really is a good idea.

    • a basset will fit into your family perfectly. i have one that's 10 months old now and she is the clown of my pet family. house training was a little difficult but once she got the hang of it, she did great. treats help with all training with her. they don't require alot of exercise and with mine, a 20 minute walk usually does the trick. from what you say about your family, i say get one and enjoy raising one. you will never be bored. i really enjoy mine and am thinking of getting another one. they are great dogs and great companions, very family oriented. always walk it on a leash as the nose will take over and you will not be heard. thats really the only time mine is stubborn when walking. hope this helps with your decision! find a good breeder and ask as many questions as you can. they will gladly answer all your questions.