my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice?

my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound female puppy. my girlfriend grew up with basset hounds and knows all about them, however I am kind of new with this type of dog. What can I expect from this type of dog? What should I do? what shouldn't I do…

    my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice?

    my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound female puppy. my girlfriend grew up with basset hounds and knows all about them, however I am kind of new with this type of dog. What can I expect from this type of dog? What should I do? what shouldn't I do…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice?...

    • my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice?

      my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice? Dog Breed Discussions
      my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound female puppy. my girlfriend grew up with basset hounds and knows all about them, however I am kind of new with this type of dog. What can I expect from this type of dog? What should I do? what shouldn't I do around this dog? Any advice for me would be great.

      my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice?

      my girlfriend has a 2 month old basset hound puppy any advice? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Basset's are super stubborned, consistency is the key. in house breaking, they need exercise or else they will be hyper, a very loving dog they are great pets over all. good luck.

    • Its nothing different from having a different breed of puppy. All the bassets i have come into contact with are big lovies. They love attention but they will eat EVERYTHING and i mean everything. One of our fellow vet techs has one and she had to bring him in on christmas eve because he ate the presents which contained razors.

    • The dog is an open canvas for training, and depending on how it is trained, you needn't worry about what to do or not do around the dog. For example, a great method for training any dog is operative conditioning. What this comes down to is reinforcing good behavior with a treat or petting, a good thing. I got my lab puppy to sit, fetch, roll over, lay down etc. waiting for him to do the action on his own then following it with a reward (cheese works great). Bassets aren't easily startled, at least my friend's isn't, and they are typically loyal, mellow and loving dogs. Should the dog do something bad, a spray in the face from a water bottle (on stream, not mist) is great for puppies. You can really have some fun with this and teach the dog some great behaviors. Once reinforced enough, the dog will respond to sit, stay etc. with no positive reinforcement, though the treat should be implemented again periodically so the dog doesn't start to disassociate the treat from the good action. Same for negative reinforcement :) Be gentle and loving to your dogs, and they will be as well!

    • I bet she's a blonde, huh? (not the dog) hee hee :)~ I don't know much about basset hounds...but it sounds like there is some good info. on the answers here. Good luck!