Where is there a basset hound breeder in california?

Male basset hound puppies.

    Where is there a basset hound breeder in california?

    Male basset hound puppies....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where is there a basset hound breeder in california?...

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    • Where is there a basset hound breeder in california?

      Where is there a basset hound breeder in california? Dog Breed Discussions
      Male basset hound puppies.

      Where is there a basset hound breeder in california?

      Where is there a basset hound breeder in california? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Check on AKC's website. they have a list of basset hound breeders and where they're located. Also try the Basset Hound Club of America website. Its made up of breeders who show, hunt, and do agility with their dogs.